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Thread: Oracle Has Been Tracking Over 5 Billion People

  1. #1

    Exclamation Oracle Has Been Tracking Over 5 Billion People

    This is the "iceberg" underneath the 2013 Snowden disclosures. People can generally understand how a phone tracks them, how a phone app tracks them, etc. But what is harder for people to understand is how all of these distributed services, apps, devices, etc. all connect to the digital "backend" and how that backend can quite easily de-anonymize all or nearly all of your electronic activity in a day. Your phone, your car, your computer, smart-appliances and many more. Obviously, many of those who frequent forums like this have been aware that this "must be" happening, but spelling out the details in black-and-white legal documentation is a lot more difficult. That's why this is a notable headline...

    More on identity resolution:

    Note that identity resolution is just a sub-field of the broader topic of entity-resolution.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  3. #2
    Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL) senior fellow Johnny Ryan is suing the tech giant Oracle for tracking and monitoring people.

    The lawsuit was filed in California and is jointly led by two U.S. privacy advocates, Michael Katz-Lacabe and Maryland associate professor Dr Jennifer Golbeck.

    “Oracle claims to have amassed detailed dossiers on five billion people and generates $42.4bn (€42.4bn) in annual revenue. Oracle’s dossiers about people include names, home addresses, emails, purchases online and in the real world, physical movements in the real world, income, interests and political views, and a detailed account of online activity. Oracle also coordinates a global trade in dossiers about people through the Oracle Data Marketplace,” the ICCL said in a statement.

    Oracle got big on taxpayer money anyway, Navy contracts iirc.

    During the 1970s, after a brief stint at Amdahl Corporation, Ellison began working for Ampex Corporation. His projects included a database for the CIA, which he named "Oracle".

    Ellison was all about the spying.

    And his ethnicity well, ...EST

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