Newsweek: Former 'Nuke Football' Handler Hits Out After Trump Nuclear Code Claims

"Tristan Snell, who previously was involved in legal action against the New York businessman over Trump University, raised the concern with his 251,000 Twitter followers.

He asked: "Serious question now: Does Donald Trump have the nuclear codes at Mar-a-Lago?"

However, the suggestion was rejected by Buzz Patterson, an author who served as senior military aide to President Bill Clinton between 1996 and 1998.

During this time Patterson was responsible for Clinton's emergency satchel, more commonly known as the nuclear football, which can be used by the president to launch a nuclear strike whilst they are away from designated command centers.

He tweeted: "For those who buy the lie that President Trump "stole" nuclear codes. It doesn't work like that. Codes change when presidents change. It's not that intriguing."

Patterson's message struck a chord with other social media users, receiving more than 8,000 likes and 2,000 retweets.

The author had earlier used Twitter to comment on reports President Clinton's nuclear codes were briefly lost in 2000, after he'd stepped down as senior military aide.

Patterson wrote: "Just a reminder, but Bill Clinton actually LOST the nuclear codes during my tenure with him. We weren't raided.""