This is the occupying army.
These people are coming from places like The Congo.
Average IQ of a Congolese is 62. Sixty $#@!ing two. "High functioning" mental retardation in the US is defined as 70 to 75.
These people are not even at a low functioning retarded level.
No amount of "training" will help them.
But when the Massa gives them guns and authority, you bet your ass they
will know who to shoot.
White America, you have been warned.
Maine Builds New Rent-Free Apartments for Migrants Paid by State’s Taxpayers
JOHN BINDER 11 Jan 2024
Maine’s taxpayers are footing the bill for new apartments built specifically for newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens who will have at least two years’ worth of rent paid for.
This week, Maine officials in Brunswick unveiled new apartments that will go to border crossers and illegal aliens who will have their rent paid for at least two years, News Center Maine reports:
On Monday, dozens of people gathered at Brunswick Landing to celebrate 60 new apartment units going up in five buildings. Twenty-four of them are already complete. These units are designed to house asylum seekers, as they wait to receive work permits. That process can often take a while, since asylum seekers can’t even file for a permit until at least six months after filing their initial asylum applications.
This program is happening through the Maine State Housing Authority. MaineHousing will essentially pay the rent for these asylum seekers for up to two years. After that, they will be converted to a mix of market-rate and affordable housing, unless the state says the program needs to be extended.
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