Originally Posted by
Occam's Banana
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jmdrake again.
Exactly. That's precisely what I was getting at when I said this:
Although I understand and sympathize with the impulse to use them, I'm no fan of anti-trust laws, either, though - or of their application against Google, et al. in the name of dealing with their censorship & "misinformation" shenanigans. I'd prefer to see a First Amendment approach - the government is infringing speech by proxy and cat's-paw - rather than an anti-trust approach. But ultimately, I don't think it really matters. Either way, the government is simply not going to act to significantly inhibit or prevent Google, et al. from cooperating with the government and doing what the government wants them to do. That is, after all, why they are colluding and collaborating with each other in the first place.
The root and locus of the problem is not the "Big Tech" firms and their censorship & "misinformation" shenanigans. They are just the symptom, not the disease, and treating the symptom by targeting legislation (or anti-trust action, or anything else) at them - assuming you can even accomplish that in the first place - is not going to cure the disease. At best, it will merely change the manner in which the disease manifests and operates, without mitigating or curing the disease at all. (And as I noted in my previous post, it may well make things even worse than they already are by motivating the targets to seek, acquire, and exploit even greater influence with politicians and bureaucrats than they already have.)
The disease - the actual root and locus of the problem - is the fact that the government has far too much power. Until that changes (if it ever does), all the legislation (or trust-busting, or what-have-you) in the world won't really make a damn bit of difference, any more than rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic would have. In fact, if any;thing, it will do just the opposite, since legislation (and trust-busting, and what-have-you) necessarily involves the government doing more and wielding more power, which is the source of the whole problem to begin with. In this case, the hair of the dog will only make things worse.
To put things in a nutshell: anything that does not involve the circumscription, curtailment, or reduction of government power is at best a complete and utter waste of time (and at worst is counter-productive and actively dangerous). Any legislation, course of action, etc. that does not aim at curtailing, reducing, or eliminating government power is simply not to be taken seriously as a "solution" to anything.
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