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Thread: When Church gets Out...

  1. #1

    When Church gets Out...

    ...All Hell will break loose.

    Just think of how many thousands of people across the country are sitting in church right now, anxiously waiting to return home to donate.

    We're gonna see a massive spike between 1 and 4 pm.
    Quote Originally Posted by JoshLowry View Post
    Yongrel can post whatever he wants as long as it isn't porn.

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  3. #2
    You mean: All Heaven will break loose

  4. #3
    alot of churches are seeing baskets cause every one is to bomb ron paul
    let it be remembered that never again in the future of political campaigns will a candidate receive the same support, enthusiasm and donations UNLESS the message is about liberty, freedom, peace, and the constituion. accept no imitations

  5. #4
    I honestly think we'll see a surge in donations throughout the afternoon.

  6. #5
    He's catching on, I'm tellin' ya!

  7. #6
    I bet the RP dedicated are sitting in the pews, checking the totals on their Blackberries.

  8. #7
    Haha you just gave me a great mental picture.

    "Imagine all the restless husbands turning in their seats.

    All of them can think nothing more than to return to their sanctuary to watch it.

    Some of them even have radios in their ears because they want to hear it.

    Some even have mini-tv's so they can watch it.

    This is not football sports-fans; this is the Sunday Money Bomb"

  9. #8
    You know Guiliani and Hillary are taking $#@!s right now

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  11. #9
    Do people in churches pay attention to these sorts of issues? Don't they just vote for Huck or Bush or something because they say "churchy" things?

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSixPack View Post
    Do people in churches pay attention to these sorts of issues? Don't they just vote for Huck or Bush or something because they say "churchy" things?
    I think there's actually a second person who goes to church now, making it hard to generalize about what people in churches do.

  13. #11
    Its not just the church thing, there's also a bunch of sleepyheads on the west coast who may not get up until 2 hours from now.

  14. #12
    People of faith (myself included) are no less attune to "these sorts of issues" than the rest of the populace. Mindless sheeple voting for billary are no worse than mindless sheeple voting for the huckster.

    Also, most churchgoers try to sleep as late as possible on Sundays and rush out the door on their way to church; therefore, they wouldn't have had time to donate this morning. Just wait until the mass of supporters comes home from church and/or lunch and the non-religious mass wakes up.

    Viva la Revolución!!!

  15. #13

    Speaking of sleepyheads

    I'm on the EAST coast and I just woke up!

    I'm about to donate now. By the way, I would REALLY like to see a graph comparing the cash flows from Nov 5 to today to see how we're doing in contrast to our previous massive haul.

    If anyone knows where I could find that, I'd much appreciate it!

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Libertad2008 View Post
    People of faith (myself included) are no less attune to "these sorts of issues" than the rest of the populace. Mindless sheeple voting for billary are no worse than mindless sheeple voting for the huckster.
    Very true. But I don't have to fight the traffic from herds of sheeple going to the local mega-church of Hillary every Sunday so there's nothing to remind me of them

    Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if all the people sitting in church for an hour or two every week would en mass put that time and energy into something productive...
    and that is what the non-religious day-dream about as they sit in Sunday traffic near the mega-church.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by K_Squared View Post
    I'm on the EAST coast and I just woke up!

    I'm about to donate now. By the way, I would REALLY like to see a graph comparing the cash flows from Nov 5 to today to see how we're doing in contrast to our previous massive haul.

    If anyone knows where I could find that, I'd much appreciate it!

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSixPack View Post
    Do people in churches pay attention to these sorts of issues? Don't they just vote for Huck or Bush or something because they say "churchy" things?
    Unfortunately many churchgoers fall into this category. That being said it is an over generalization.

    I refuse to think that I am an outlier. I am deeply spiritual, radically saved, and deeply in love with my savior.

    Want a good argument to convince the "Christian Right"?

    Ron Paul offers the only path to the church taking up its true place in society without the fetters of government. The stronger the government gets the weaker the members of the church become in their ability to serve their fellow man. Only through relationship can the gospel be spread and big government and the nanny state are a hindrance to this end. The church cuts its own throat when it seeks to legislate certain moral issues. Those things morally reprehensible but do no harm to others must be handled outside the purview of the state.

    A people not free to make a bad decision are not free at all.

    my $.02

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