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Thread: Biden to announce more gun control regulations, ATF nominee

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Biden to ban unserialized homebuilt firearms

    "Ghost gun kits can be purchased online, and a weapon can be self-manufactured in as little as 30 minutes. Because regulators cannot trace them, ghost guns are appealing to criminals and those with criminal histories, according to officials.

    The new rules would require anyone purchasing a kit to undergo a background check, as is required for other types of firearm purchases. It would also require those selling the kits to mark components with a serial number, so the eventual weapon produced can be traced. And it would mandate firearm dealers add a serial number to already built ghost guns they come across in their businesses."
    Last edited by Matt Collins; 04-11-2022 at 06:13 AM.
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

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  3. #2
    Good thing the president doesn't get to regulate firearm ownership in our country.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 69360 View Post
    Good thing the president doesn't get to regulate firearm ownership in our country.
    He can certainly try
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  5. #4
    Yeah, good luck with that...

  6. #5

  7. #6
    Pretty sure every gun owner doesn't give a damn about gun control regulations.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  8. #7
    Trump set a precedent with his gun control EO which Biden and the Democrats will point to as justification for doing the same. This was probably the worst thing that came out of the Trump Presidency since you could see a future Dem President EO coming from it as a result.

    The propaganda as if any average Joe can simply easily order the parts and put it together like they are ordering something from Amazon that comes with an instruction book is nonsense. For regular people to know what to order and from whom, the ability to do this is too far beyond them and the ordering is not as easy as it seems. You really have to know what you are doing and live in a state that will allow the parts to be shipped to you.

    Do not expect the right wing news media including Fox News to give a damn about this when they take more of our gun rights away. They will ignore it so it is pretty much a done deal. What do they care anyway since the elites on these channels have their own security, are armed and are cozy with government police forces. It probably scares them that the general public is armed at all. As long as they got theirs.

    This is like everything else. Point to an area where are rights have been almost completely eliminated and use scare tactics as if our rights have not already been taken away to play to useful idiot supporters on the left.
    Last edited by kahless; 04-12-2022 at 01:41 PM. Reason: specifically on the left
    * See my visitor message area for caveats related to my posting history here.
    * Also, I have effectively retired from all social media including posting here and are basically opting out of anything to do with national politics or this country on federal or state level and rather focusing locally. I may stop by from time to time to discuss philosophy on a general level related to Libertarian schools of thought and application in the real world.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by 69360 View Post
    Good thing the president doesn't get to regulate firearm ownership in our country.
    As if any of these $#@! bags follow any of the bull$#@! rules FFS. They just put words on paper and call it good, or are you not noticing that? It’s clear to me that they don’t give a rat’s ass about your constitutional arguments. I joke, but I don’t.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by 69360 View Post
    Good thing the president doesn't get to regulate firearm ownership in our country.

    This kind of dangerous naivete is one big reason we've wound up where we are. Are you not paying attention?

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  12. #10
    When true Tyranny comes to your country (NOW), they will not seek your consent to revoke your Rights.

    If the Revolutionary War was fought with Registered Firearms, the war would have been over before it started, and we would have lost.
    1776 > 1984

    The FAILURE of the United States Government to operate and maintain an
    Honest Money System , which frees the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, is the single largest contributing factor to the World's current Economic Crisis.

    The Elimination of Privacy is the Architecture of Genocide

    Belief, Money, and Violence are the three ways all people are controlled

    Quote Originally Posted by Zippyjuan View Post
    Our central bank is not privately owned.

  13. #11
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

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