I am Open-Borders for the following reasons:
- I support the natural right to travel freely across public land. I do not condone or support trespassing on privately owned property, residential or business.
- I support Natural Rights, which are outlined in the Bill of Rights. I believe that if a person is suspected of a crime, he/she should meet their accuser and given a speedy trial. I do not support lumping groups of people into a category because of the actions of one single person.
- I support work ethic, even for those wanting to escape other countries, so that like-minded people can realize life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which has dwindled down to almost nothing. I support people working for food and home, otherwise, go someplace else to seek it, but NOT on my tax dime.
- I do not support government Eminent Domain. Life is difficult enough raising a family, home upkeep and repairs, etc., without worrying about whether government and/or special interest will remove me from land that I have homesteaded for generations. I do not support government and/or special interest picking business winners and losers, using Eminent Domain as an excuse "for the betterment of all" - that is communism/fascism at its finest.
- I do not support "funneling" people into "entry points", so that they can be processed into a "database", to obtain government “documents”, which provides access to "government programs".
- I do not support giving MY tax dollars to infringe on people and private property. Read my sig.
- I do not support "papers please" to differentiate "them from me", and I certainly do not support my luggage, trunk or pockets being "rummaged through" just because I want or need to travel someplace. Time and again, I have had personal effects "lost" or damaged, which takes my valuable time to file incident reports and to recover damages. It is also an additional drain on the tax-payer, STUPID.
- I support the Beacon of Liberty, and legitimately want to be and set the example for other countries to follow. I am not interested in China/Berlin walls on my-tax-dime - the whole world is closing in on a One-World Government, polluted with the SAME pathetic policies, regulations and restrictions. It is long past time that we wise up, and STOP trying to "emulate other countries". This is America, FFS, not Amerika with a k. Stop listening to Fascist-Shills and Lib-tards - they work together and share drinks behind closed doors.
If you were SERIOUS about defending my Natural Rights and Fiscal Responsibility, and the preservation of liberty and freedom, you would STOP demanding human beings to be "processed" into your system which enables access to said government programs, and STOP taxing me and others to pick up the tab for unnecessary 3-Letter Agencies, special-interest holding cells and processing centers.
If you were SERIOUS about the government-induced immigration "problem", you would leave the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments alone, and allow private property owners to handle and protect their own land by whatever means he/she deems necessary; ie: leave my property, my business and my guns alone.
If you were SERIOUS about "controlling" immigration, you would stop "incentives", certainly when "republicans" have the presidency, house and senate.
In closing, I want you to know that I am APPALLED that you think that I amSTUPID ENOUGHwilling to sacrifice many of my freedoms and liberties, destroy my Natural Rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, and forfeit my private property, and that you actually believe that your Police-State Tactic solutions are better "solutions" and will resolve the "problem".
Never let a good a good crisis go to waste. YOU are using "immigration", NSA, TSA, gun legislation, "Covid", special-interest both domestic and foreign, as an excuse to destroy the Bill the Rights you swore to uphold and protect. You claim "immigrants are soaking my tax dollars so we must abandon each-and-every-one-of-my Bill of Rights" is a legitimate trade-off, and I'm not buying it.
Stop treading your Left-jack boot (social welfare) and your Right-jack boot (special interest welfare) on my throat and leave me, my home, my business, and my money the f&ck alone.
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