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Thread: CPI jumps 5% in May of 2021, fastest since 2008

  1. #901
    Fascinating , the economy can tank and food inflation will still be going up . I'd say by Jul no doritos for most. Enjoy the third world.
    Do something Danke

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  3. #902
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Fascinating , the economy can tank and food inflation will still be going up . I'd say by Jul no doritos for most. Enjoy the third world.
    Yup. Those with debt are boned. Like I said in 08, "as long as people keep their jobs, we'll be ok". The other shoe's about to drop. Watch the housing market. Doritos are the last of people's worries. Right after pronouns.
    All modern revolutions have ended in a reinforcement of the power of the State.
    -Albert Camus

  4. #903
    Quote Originally Posted by oyarde View Post
    Fascinating , the economy can tank and food inflation will still be going up .
    Stagflation, just like the Ford and Carter years.

  5. #904
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Stagflation, just like the Ford and Carter years.
    Thats where it seems to be going. Megan Henny , Fox Business article today titled , JP Morgan warns investors should brace for 1970s style stagflation.
    Last edited by oyarde; 02-27-2024 at 08:38 PM.
    Do something Danke

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  7. #905
    Quote Originally Posted by otherone View Post
    Yup. Those with debt are boned. Like I said in 08, "as long as people keep their jobs, we'll be ok". The other shoe's about to drop. Watch the housing market. Doritos are the last of people's worries. Right after pronouns.
    The bright side of a collapse means those f a g g o t s wont have time to worry about pronouns
    Do something Danke

  8. #906
    looking like inflation this quarter will still run nearly a half point higher than GDP.
    Do something Danke

  9. #907
    Pending home sales down 4.9 percent in Jan while combined Dec - Jan inflation is up a half point and durable goods orders dropped 6.1 percent in Jan. The peasants savings are gone . Mortgage rates 7 percent .Bitcoin 61K .Record individual debt, may get a 1/4 point rate cut from Fed in Jul and another after, thats probably it without sending inflation back to 4 . Im thinking that should push 2200 to 2400 gold paper share spot. Physical gold could get as much as 8 percent higher , could mean 2690 Gold Buffalos for Christmas .Gold highly under valued in comparison to land . Silver and platinum highly undervalued, no idea if they pick up, silver ( peasants money) been belly up for a long time .Oil getting back close to 80 .Layoffs active , unemployment claims can start rising . Spending down , prices up.Everything appears fragile.
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-01-2024 at 09:34 AM.
    Do something Danke

  10. #908
    UPS laying off 12k , completely predictable , 6 months after giving in to union with the go out of business contract. No idea how americans got so retarded in just a few decades, it is like watching someone walk in front of a speeding locomotive.
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-02-2024 at 02:43 PM.
    Do something Danke

  11. #909
    2086 gold today with 2094 futures, lowest lobster catch since 09 , price probably rising .The Count is going to have to cut back. Oil back to 80 for first time since Nov , chooglin
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-04-2024 at 10:46 AM.
    Do something Danke

  12. #910
    Gold ( it and bitcoin are the money of the future ) 2118.60 .
    Do something Danke

  13. #911
    With increases in borrowing costs factored in inflation wouldve peaked around 18 percent 2022 and currently run about 8 percent according to Mark Hulbert Marketwatch article today.
    Do something Danke

  14. #912
    Gold futures 2122.6 as gold broke 2120 today
    Do something Danke

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  16. #913
    gold 2164 , starting to catch up a little with inflation
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-07-2024 at 07:44 AM.
    Do something Danke

  17. #914
    No change in inflation expected for Feb or Mar , tax refund money keeping it flat. GDP 1st qtr may make 2 1/2 decade avg of 1.9 after revised down leaving inflation a full point more over productivity, no reason gold cant do 2200 in Mar
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-12-2024 at 06:54 AM.
    Do something Danke

  18. #915
    Poland pres calls for NATO allies to spend 3 percent of GDP on defense
    Do something Danke

  19. #916
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  20. #917
    core inflation still nearly 4 percent , inflation pretty much unchanged 2023 and 2024 , after 3 yrs down a pecent from Collins original post
    Last edited by oyarde; 03-13-2024 at 08:16 PM.
    Do something Danke

  21. #918
    Gold 2180 today , US Mint one oz gold Proof Buffalos priced at 2990, silver to 25 today moving silver eagle retail to 32, one oz gold eagles are 2257 to dealers, retail as muc as 2370, bitcoin 73k , Dow 39k
    Do something Danke

  22. #919
    Gold finally catcing up a bit for inflation and depreciated FRN . New all time mark tonigt.
    Do something Danke

  23. #920
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  25. #921

  26. #922
    Feelin' it yet, America?

    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  27. #923

  28. #924
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  29. #925
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    [archive @ Thread Reader:]
    {Tom Woods @ThomasEWoods | 01 April 2024}

    This week the AP told us that "economists" are warning that we shouldn't want prices to fall.

    These "economists" should switch fields, and maybe go into shoveling horse $#@!, since they're good at that already.

    These "economists" are lackeys for the status quo who don't want us entertaining the possibility of prices that trend downward rather than upward.

    Because then maybe we'll start questioning the regime under which we live.

    Duncan Weldon writes in The Guardian: "Falling prices might sound like a good thing, and in individual cases they often are" -- hey, he throws us a bone there! -- "but a falling general price level is usually associated with severe economic strains."

    Where's his evidence? Not one word of proof is supplied, because "deflation causes depressions" is just something all right-thinking people know and doesn't require evidence.

    I have a novel idea: how about we check the data?

    Economists Andrew Atkeson and Patrick J. Kehoe actually bothered to look at the record in a May 2004 article for the American Economic Review called "Deflation and Depression: Is There an Empirical Link?" They evaluated the evidence from 17 countries over a period of 100 years.

    Their conclusion: "A broad historical look finds more periods of deflation with reasonable growth than with depression, and many more periods of depression with inflation than with deflation. Overall, the data show virtually no link between deflation and depression."

    So much for that argument.

    Then Weldon warns about falling prices by asking, "Why buy anything today if it will be cheaper next week?"

    This is how he thinks your brain works: "I'm not ordering a cup of coffee this morning because I bet tomorrow it'll be 5 cents cheaper!" And when tomorrow comes you'd in turn say: "No way am I buying today if it'll be 2 cents cheaper tomorrow!"

    What actually happens in the real world is that the phenomenon of time preference exists: I prefer goods in the present to the same goods in the future. So I'm going to break down and buy that cup of coffee rather than forego consumption in perpetuity.

    Even today, we buy laptop computers despite knowing they'll be cheaper a year from now. In the Weirdo Economist version of the argument, none of us will buy anything until we're on our deathbeds, and then just as we're expiring we'll finally grab an iPad.

    Another bogus argument would be that it's hard for businesses to make a profit if prices are falling. And then there's the "sticky prices" argument. These also fail.

    And ultimately, it's a question of whether you believe these economists, or your own eyes.

    Two of the periods of the most robust economic growth in US history were those from 1820 to 1850 and 1865 to 1900. And prices fell about in half in each case.

    The Fed lackeys who pose as economists today have to undermine the very idea of a falling price level so we don't get subversive ideas like: why do we need the Federal Reserve when it's taken our falling-prices economy and turned it into a rising-prices one?

    They'll also try to tell you that the economy was so much more unstable before the geniuses at the Fed took over -- sometimes you'll get that, but you can answer that after reading my free book Our Enemy, the Fed.

    Remember, it was monetary issues that got Ron Paul into politics -- and also Javier Milei.

    But you're thinking: reading about it must be the most boring thing in the world.

    Have faith in ol' Woods, dear friend!

    And because the Fed has ruined the value of your money, I'm being a sport and not even asking for any. Doesn't cost you a cent, and it's full of truths the SOBs won't tell you; what's not to love?

    Click and get it:

  30. #926

  31. #927
    gubmit says inflation 3.8 , silver 28.57
    Last edited by oyarde; 04-10-2024 at 09:03 AM.
    Do something Danke

  32. #928
    Economic DEI.

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  34. #929
    The rich companies get richer, and the poor companies get poorer.

    @Bern @Madison320

  35. #930

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