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Thread: White Pills

  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    You got my hopes up with that link in the White Pills thread! False advertising! Boo!

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  3. #122

  4. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    Shawty on the verge of rediscovering that e^-x has a horizontal asymptote at zero...

    Last edited by ClaytonB; 01-28-2024 at 11:09 AM.
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  5. #124
    Case Adjourned When Jurors Can't Be Found Who Are Willing to Convict
    {Steve Lehto | 24 February 2024}

  6. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    10 years after armed standoff with federal agents, Bundy cattle are still grazing disputed rangeland

    BY KEN RITTER Updated 11:43 AM GMT-5, April 13, 2024

    BUNKERVILLE, Nev. (AP) — The words “Revolution is Tradition” stenciled in fresh blue and red paint mark a cement wall in a dry river wash beneath a remote southern Nevada freeway overpass, where armed protesters and federal agents stared each other down through rifle sights 10 years ago.

    It was just before noon on a hot and sunny Saturday when backers of cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, including hundreds of men, women and children, made the U.S. Bureau of Land Management quit enforcing court orders to remove Bundy cattle from vast arid rangeland surrounding his modest family ranch and melon farm.

    Witnesses later said they feared the sound of a car backfiring would have unleashed a bloodbath. But no shots were fired, the government backed down and some 380 Bundy cattle that had been impounded were set free.

    “Since then, we’ve relatively lived in peace,” Ryan Bundy, eldest among 14 Bundy siblings, said in a telephone interview. “The BLM doesn’t contact us, talk to us or bother us.”


    Asked what would happen if the government tried again to round up Bundy cattle, he was direct.

    “If we have to call people, we’ll call all our followers from YouTube and social media,” Arden Bundy said.

    “There was 1,000 there last time,” Cliven Bundy said. “There’ll be 10,000 there next time.”

  7. #126

  8. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Ian Smith @iansmithfitness


    4 years ago today, we reopened Atilis Gym in direct violation of an unconstitutional order by Governor Philip Murphy to close small businesses in New Jersey.

    The support we received locally, nationally, and internationally for our stand is something I will be forever grateful for.

    With that being said, I am thrilled to announce that we have achieved a major victory in the long, hard fight against the State.

    ALL OF THE 80+ municipal citations of violations of a governor's order, public nuisance, disturbing the peace, and operating without a license against us have been dropped by the courts WITH prejudice. This means the State has NO ability to revist or refile these charges.

    This victory opens the battlefield again and gives us options to continue to push back and bring justice to the treasonous actions of Phil Murphy and his lackies.

    Again, thank you to all who supported us. We could not have done it without you.

    Special thanks to our fearless attorneys - John McCann and Giancarlo Ghione. Some of the most high profile attorneys around the country ran from our case - knowing it would be a long, hard road and would make them a target of the stare. These two gentlemen stood with us through the darkest days of the storm, have not flinched, and never once cared about being in front of cameras to gain notoriety from their work.

    More updates later.

    Nobody is coming to save you, save yourself. Spit on your hands and hoist the black flag. No quarter.��

    Suck my dick Phil Murphy.

  9. #128

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  11. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Yeah, not sure this belongs in White Pills... Now, if Wiki was totally discredited and people stopped believing it - that would be a white pill.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  12. #130

  13. #131

  14. #132

  15. #133
    You Are the Media Now - It's the End of the Legacy Media as We Know It, and I Feel Fine
    {Nerdrotic | 13 January 2025}

    The great culture shift is upon us. What happens next?

  16. #134
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-31-2025 at 05:23 PM.

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