Congressman Massie Interview with Charles Payne on Fox Business, 3/15/21

In case you missed it, I was Charles Payne's guest today on "Making Money with Charles Payne." We discussed the problems with Modern Monetary Theory and the fallacy that it could be "Christmas every day if we just unleashed the printing presses."

In the 1990s, my "Intro to Macroeconomics" professor was Paul Krugman and I thought he was “out there,” but even he doesn't go for Modern Monetary Theory because it's going to catch up with all of us at some point.

We've gone from a deficit that is 4% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to one that is more like 30% of our GDP. I wonder if it's like a sugar high or a caffeine high. If we don't spend an extra $6 Trillion next year, what's it going to be like to come down from that for our economy?