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Thread: Trump Planning to Issue About 100 Pardons on Tuesday

  1. #1

    Trump Planning to Issue About 100 Pardons on Tuesday

    BREAKING: Trump Planning to Issue About 100 Pardons on Tuesday

    By Sarah Rumpf
    Jan 17th, 2021

    President Donald Trump is planning to issue a massive pile of pardons on Tuesday, his last full day in office, according to a report by CNN.

    White House reporter Jeremy Diamond told The Situation Room anchor Wolf Blitzer that three sources familiar with Trump’s plans told him that the president intended to pardon about 100 people.

    “The pardons, we’re told,” Diamond said, “are expected to include a mixture of more controversial pardons to white collar criminals, high profile rappers, as well as potentially some of the president’s political allies, but also in this batch several pardons that are more criminal justice reform minded,” like his commutation of Alice Marie Johnson’s sentence in 2018.

    Diamond also reported that Trump has apparently taken his advisers’ counsel and is not planning to pardon any of the Capitol rioters or attempt to pardon himself — or, “at least the paperwork for a self-pardon has not yet been drawn up.”


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  3. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by jct74 View Post
    “The pardons, we’re told,” Diamond said, “are expected to include a mixture of more controversial pardons to white collar criminals, high profile rappers, as well as potentially some of the president’s political allies, but also in this batch several pardons that are more criminal justice reform minded,” like his commutation of Alice Marie Johnson’s sentence in 2018.

    Diamond also reported that Trump has apparently taken his advisers’ counsel and is not planning to pardon any of the Capitol rioters...
    If only well-connected political allies, wall street/big money folks, high profile rappers are on the list and none of "pro-MAGA patriots" who thought they were following Prez's lead, his popularity among his supporters could see a sudden drop in couple of days.

    Jenna Ryan, Who Took Jet to Capitol Riot, Asks Donald Trump for a Pardon

    @CBSDFW exclusive, #JennaRyan tells @nicoleNielsen that she flew to D.C. and stormed the #Capitol, because President Trump told her to. No other reason. Ryan faces 2 federal charges, was arrested today and had her house searched by federal agents...(more).
    — Doug Dunbar (@cbs11doug) January 16, 2021

    “I thought I was following my president. I thought I was following what we were called to do. He asked us to fly there. So I was doing was he asked us to do.”
    — Amy Siskind ��️*�� (@Amy_Siskind) January 16, 2021

    Be interestimg to see if Trump would pardon this navy veteran/any of the other arrested MAGA Capitol rally protestors or launch pressure campaign for their release/fair treatment following his adminstration's Sweden pressure campaign model that was launched to secure immediate release of arrested rapper who was well-connected (was dating Trump pal Kim Kardashian's sister).

  4. #3
    He should pardon the capital protestors on the basis that they aren't going to get a fair trial, if nothing else.

    He should actually just pardon everybody in the country. Except Hillary.

    Can he do that?
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

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  5. #4
    Assange and Snowden better be two of them.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  6. #5

  7. #6
    He should pardon:
    Baked Alaska & other Patriots who stormed the capitol.

  8. #7
    The federal prison at Otisville, NY is probably going to be empty after Trump is done his pardons.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by A. Havnes View Post
    Assange, Snowden, and the Capitol rioters should be pardoned.
    "Peaceful protesters"

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  11. #9
    That won’t be nearly enough to cover all of the staffers that the Democrats will try to entrap and prosecute. As usual, the crony white collar criminal pardons will be outrageous.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
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  12. #10
    The more hopeful part of me wants to think that Trump will pardon Assange and/or Snowden, if only as a way to stick a finger in the eye of the Cathedral as he departs office. But the more cynical (and realistic) part of me suspects that Trump is too much of a gutless narcissist to bear (what he perceives as) the additional damage the Cathedral will surely do [1] to his "legacy" if he grants either or both of those pardons.

    IOW: It all comes down to how much of a self-regarding coward he is. I hope not much of one (and I will be delighted if that is the case), but I'm not holding my breath. If he does it, it will be the best and most laudable thing he's done in his tenure (along with not starting any new wars). We'll see ...

    [1] Beyond what they have already done and still intend to do.
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    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  13. #11
    Maybe giving pardons to deep state Zionists is another cunning 3D-chess ploy by the Donald?!?

    The best names I could think of that (don't) deserve a pardon are (I guess it would look suspicious if the son of the NYC judge would be the only Capitol protester to receive a pardon).

    Steve Bannon (who is a favourite according to "insiders").

    Ghislaine Maxwell.
    Clare Bronfman.
    Do NOT ever read my posts. Google and Yahoo wouldn’t block them without a very good reason: Google-censors-the-world/page3

    The Order of the Garter rules the world: Order of the Garter and the Carolingian dynasty

  14. #12
    He means "vote to convict" ...

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    He means "vote to convict" ...
    How would Snowden in Russia have this knowledge?

  16. #14
    Any word on who these pardons are going to?
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  17. #15
    Where are they? Has he pardoned anyone yet?
    1776 > 1984

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zippyjuan View Post
    Our central bank is not privately owned.

  18. #16
    Maybe he can find another cop in prison for setting her dog loose to maul a helpless, handcuffed prisoner to pardon. That would be about what one would expect.

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by CCTelander View Post
    Maybe he can find another cop in prison for setting her dog loose to maul a helpless, handcuffed prisoner to pardon. That would be about what one would expect.
    Or some more middle east mercenaries, would also be a solid choice.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTexan View Post
    Or some more middle east mercenaries, would also be a solid choice.

    As always your wisdom is profound. Good to have you back.

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  22. #19
    Trump being threatened and blackmailed...

    President Donald Trump received an unsettling warning on his final Saturday night in the White House.

    Huddled for a lengthy meeting with his legal advisers, Trump was warned the pardons he once hoped to bestow upon his family and even himself would place him in a legally perilous position, convey the appearance of guilt and potentially make him more vulnerable to reprisals.

    So, too, was Trump warned that pardons for Republican lawmakers who had sought them for their role in the Capitol insurrection would anger the very Senate Republicans who will determine his fate in an upcoming impeachment trial.
    Trump is also not expected to pardon Edward Snowden or Julian Assange, whose roles in revealing US secrets infuriated official Washington.

    While he had once entertained the idea, Trump decided against it because he did not want to anger Senate Republicans who will soon determine whether he’s convicted during his Senate trial. Multiple GOP lawmakers had sent messages through aides that they felt strongly about not granting clemency to Assange or Snowden.
    Last edited by Brian4Liberty; 01-19-2021 at 04:06 PM.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

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  23. #20
    And not one will probably be relevant to Liberty

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    He means "vote to convict" ...
    Even this gives him too much credit.

    Swamp creature in disguise gets diplomatic cover from guy he won't pardon which furthers the myth of his supporters.

    That being, that he's a victim and not part of it.
    When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble?
    When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Amos 3:6

  25. #22
    Free Joe Exotic!

    Word is Trump might actually do it.

  26. #23
    Well it's late and I have had no notification..

    not this time again.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
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  27. #24
    Trump said he was going to drain the Swamp. Is he now going to bend his knee in shame to the Swamp by not pardoning Assange?
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Globalist View Post
    Any word on who these pardons are going to?

    We're being governed ruled by a geriatric Alzheimer patient/puppet whose strings are being pulled by an elitist oligarchy who believe they can manage the world... imagine the utter maniacal, sociopathic hubris!

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by enhanced_deficit View Post
    ...#JennaRyan tells @nicoleNielsen that she flew to D.C. and stormed the #Capitol, because President Trump told her to.

    Uh huh. And when did Trump do this?

    Bloody wankers.

    There is only one correct way: freedom. All other solutions are non-solutions.

    It appears that artificial intelligence is at least slightly superior to natural stupidity.

    Our words make us the ghosts that we are.

    Convincing the world he didn't exist was the Devil's second greatest trick; the first was convincing us that God didn't exist.

  31. #27
    Pardoning Assange won’t get him on Mt.Rushmore, but he’d deserve free admission

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    Trump said he was going to drain the Swamp. Is he now going to bend his knee in shame to the Swamp by not pardoning Assange?
    Wait, the swamp pinky swore to drain itself and that didn't happen? But they pinky swore!


    "Patriotism should come from loving thy neighbor, not from worshiping graven images" - Ironman77

    "ideas have the potential of being more powerful than any army....The concept of personal sovereignty was pulled screaming from the ether into this reality by the force of men believing in a self evident truth, that men are meant to be free." - The Northbreather

    "Trump is the security blanket of aggrieved white men aged 18-60." - Pinoy

  33. #29
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-19-2021 at 08:52 PM.

  34. #30

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