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Thread: What do we think of Marjorie Taylor Greene?

  1. #1

    What do we think of Marjorie Taylor Greene?

    She's getting a lot of disingenuous hate from the MSM and liberals who have from the start tried to smear her as a QAnon supporter.

    I honestly think she's wrong about a ton of things, however she is certainly attracting a lot of attention and I'm not sure what to make of it.

    I'm mainly making this thread because of what she said today in a tweet and also similarly in a press release:
    The Socialist Democrats, the incoming administration, the DC Swamp, and the Silicon Valley Cartel are looking for any reason to implement Communist Chinese-style spying and censorship on the American people.

    Right now, they’re working on legislation and bureaucratic rules representing the biggest violation of privacy and civil rights since the unconstitutional Patriot Act was passed years ago.
    This is mainly because the bar is so low already, but I expect her to bee one of the strongest defenders of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment in Congress (which are all under constant attack).

    However if this is the case and she is on the front lines, the MSM aligned with the Dems will weaponize her "craziness" in order to make it look like preserving the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendment are crazy. It's probably strategically a detriment to liberty to have her be the face of it now which is exactly why enemies of liberty will try to make her the face of it.

    At the same time, it's great that she is bringing up things like the Patriot Act to MAGAland when Trump himself said he wanted to "strengthen" it. So basically I think her presence in the mix is likely to make Republicans marginally more pro-liberty and Democrats marginally more anti-liberty. Unless she becomes a bigger figure then it can be more than just marginally.

    In the end I am no fan but she's certainly going to be a voice for liberty, sometimes.
    The enemy of my enemy may be worse than my enemy.

    I do not suffer from Trump Rearrangement Syndrome. Sorry if that triggers you.

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  3. #2
    Time will tell, but so far she has more spine to her than damn near every elected Republican. Hopefully that spine does not end up being used to regularly further neoconservative ambitions. If it goes well, then she could be one of the best defenders of liberty in the House.

    I also greatly appreciate that she does not care to play the optics game. It is not a winning hand for liberty, and people need to stop fretting about what the media will or will not say about their actions.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by BSWPaulsen View Post
    Time will tell, but so far she has more spine to her than damn near every elected Republican. Hopefully that spine does not end up being used to regularly further neoconservative ambitions. If it goes well, then she could be one of the best defenders of liberty in the House.

    I also greatly appreciate that she does not care to play the optics game. It is not a winning hand for liberty, and people need to stop fretting about what the media will or will not say about their actions.
    Kind of reminds me of Winston Churchill during the 1930s when he was the lone, unpopular voice against growing tyranny in Central Europe.

  5. #4
    I have some respect for her since she wanted to impeach Biden on day 1 of his presidency. That's a pretty ballsy move.
    "Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration is minding my own business."

    Calvin Coolidge

  6. #5
    The Dems have Maxine Waters. The GOP has Greene.
    We have long had death and taxes as the two standards of inevitability. But there are those who believe that death is the preferable of the two. "At least," as one man said, "there's one advantage about death; it doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."
    Erwin N. Griswold

    Taxes: Of life's two certainties, the only one for which you can get an automatic extension.

  7. #6
    What do we think of Marjorie Taylor Greene?
    I have no idea. Insufficient data.

    A preliminary scan conducted by running the minimal information I've casually encountered about her through some de-Cathedralizing filters indicates an entertainingly wacky gadfly who has a taste for biting sacred cows.

    IOW: Potentially a perfect addition to the Federal Clown ShowTM.

    In any case, she certainly seems to be making all the right enemies: identitarian Republicans, BLM Democrats and other mouth-foaming peddlers of "outrage" ... (and, no doubt, plenty of those tiresomely tut-tutting "decorum" scolds, too ...)

    (h/t @Sammy:

    Republican Jewish Coalition 'offended and appalled' by Taylor Greene comments
    Lexi Lonas (29 January 2021)

    The Republican Jewish Coalition released a statement Friday condemning Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), saying it is “offended and appalled by her comments and her actions.”

    Greene has come under scrutiny recently after video footage surfaced of her taunting David Hogg, a survivor of a mass shooting that took place in a Parkland, Fla., high school in 2018. At the time, Greene did not hold congressional office.

    The newly elected congress woman has also been associated with the right-wing conspiracy theory QAnon.

    In the Coalition's statement released Friday, the group said that it has always "spoken out against antisemitic comments from individuals on both sides of the political aisle," adding that it does not hesitate to do so again in Greene's case.

    The group added that it threw its support behind Greene's primary opponent when she ran for her seat in Georgia in 2020.

    “[W]e supported Greene’s primary opponent, John Cowan, in Georgia,” the coalition continued. “We did so because we found Greene’s past behavior deeply offensive.”

    "She repeatedly used offensive language in long online video diatribes, promoted bizarre political conspiracy theories, and refused to admit a mistake after posing for photos with a long-time white supremacist leader," the group continued.

    A recent report from CNN also found Facebook posts that appeared to show Greene expressed support for violence against Democrats before running for Congress.

    “We opposed her as a candidate and we continue to oppose her now. She is far outside the mainstream of the Republican Party, and the RJC is working closely with the House Republican leadership regarding next steps in this matter,” the statement said.

    Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) said on Friday that she does not feel comfortable being around Greene and is moving her office away Greene's for the safety of her team.
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-30-2021 at 05:19 PM.
    The Bastiat Collection · FREE PDF · FREE EPUB · PAPER
    Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)

    • "When law and morality are in contradiction to each other, the citizen finds himself in the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense, or of losing his respect for the law."
      -- The Law (p. 54)
    • "Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
      -- Government (p. 99)
    • "[W]ar is always begun in the interest of the few, and at the expense of the many."
      -- Economic Sophisms - Second Series (p. 312)
    • "There are two principles that can never be reconciled - Liberty and Constraint."
      -- Harmonies of Political Economy - Book One (p. 447)

    · tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ·

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by phill4paul View Post
    Guess she is just not the right 'flavor' for this Democracy. In a representative Republic she'd be just fine.
    She won by 75 percent.

    I wonder by what margins you need to win by to be considered "legitimate" in this new democrazy?

    I barely knew anything about the woman, until I noticed today that the media organs and swamp dwellers were after her full cry.

    Of course when the System, as a whole, starts tut tutting and "outraging" at one person in particular, you know they must close to the mark on something...I figure she must have promised to hold congressional hearings on kiddie diddlers and snuff film enthusiasts within government.

    Wanna bet on when they run her off?

    I say a next Tuesday she'll be back to running her dad's construction business.
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BSWPaulsen View Post
    Time will tell, but so far she has more spine to her than damn near every elected Republican. Hopefully that spine does not end up being used to regularly further neoconservative ambitions. If it goes well, then she could be one of the best defenders of liberty in the House.

    I also greatly appreciate that she does not care to play the optics game. It is not a winning hand for liberty, and people need to stop fretting about what the media will or will not say about their actions.
    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Globalist View Post
    I have some respect for her since she wanted to impeach Biden on day 1 of his presidency. That's a pretty ballsy move.

    This one comes in handy in multiple topics today.
    "I am a bird"

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    She won by 75 percent.

    I wonder by what margins you need to win by to be considered "legitimate" in this new democrazy?

    I barely knew anything about the woman, until I noticed today that the media organs and swamp dwellers were after her full cry.

    Of course when the System, as a whole, starts tut tutting and "outraging" at one person in particular, you know they must close to the mark on something...I figure she must have promised to hold congressional hearings on kiddie diddlers and snuff film enthusiasts within government.

    Wanna bet on when they run her off?

    I say a next Tuesday she'll be back to running her dad's construction business.
    This proves that Ron Paul, Debra Medina and others who either steered clear of 9/11 truth, or worse threw truthers under the bus (Debra Medina) were given HORRIBLE advice from their handlers! You aren't going to placate anyone by not standing with significant portions of your own base. I am no fan of Trump. But he didn't throw large sections of his base under the bus just to placate the media.

    That said, Ms. Greene seems on the surface a little unhinged to say the least. I believe the parts of the 9/11 conspiracy theories that can be verified as true. Same for Q-Anon. But she seems, from what I've read, to latch onto and pass along anything that goes against the MSM narrative. I don't trust the MSM either, but that doesn't mean everything that anyone outside the MSM says is true. I don't think, for example, that there are any videos on the "dark web" of Hillary Clinton and Huma Aberdeen ritually sacrificing a girl and drinking her blood. (I've been on the dark web and it's not what it's been hyped up to be. Pretty boring TBH.) That doesn't mean there aren't pedophiles in the world and who are doing awful things and who have their hands on the levers of power. Jeffery Epstein's flight logs prove that by itself. And that's what gets me. Why go for the unproven crazy stuff when there is so much rich material in the public domain? But then you have to answer unsettling questions like.....why didn't Trump demand a full investigation of Epstein's death? (I know I'm preaching to the choir here.)
    9/11 Thermate experiments

    Winston Churchhill on why the U.S. should have stayed OUT of World War I

    "I am so %^&*^ sick of this cult of Ron Paul. The Paulites. What is with these %^&*^ people? Why are there so many of them?" YouTube rant by "TheAmazingAtheist"

    "We as a country have lost faith and confidence in freedom." -- Ron Paul

    "It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute." -- Ron Paul
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian4Liberty View Post
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. No need to make it a superhighway.
    Quote Originally Posted by osan View Post
    The only way I see Trump as likely to affect any real change would be through martial law, and that has zero chances of success without strong buy-in by the JCS at the very minimum.

  13. #11
    jumped right back into @BarackObama
    's Syrian Civil War yesterday The GOP should oppose the DC Swamp / Deep State's blood thirsty desire for endless wars Biden has supported sending Americans to die in wars for 50 years (Iraq) We need leaders who put #AmericaFirst!


  14. #12
    I am no fan of Trump. But he didn't throw large sections of his base under the bus just to placate the media.
    He pretty much did, at the end. The capitol rioters were his base, and he disavowed them and left them out to dry.

    Many saw his disavowal as a betrayal.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by jmdrake View Post
    Jeffery Epstein's flight logs prove that by itself. And that's what gets me. Why go for the unproven crazy stuff when there is so much rich material in the public domain? But then you have to answer unsettling questions like.....why didn't Trump demand a full investigation of Epstein's death? (I know I'm preaching to the choir here.)
    It's interesting how I haven't heard much said about Epstein recently and these stories barely even make it into the media:
    1) TMZ had this recent scoop which said that Epstein had tapes of Trump and Clinton (Feb 20, 2021 article, link).
    2) It has also been said from what seem to be at least somewhat reputable sources that Epstein was working for Mossad (December 2019 article, link).

    This is old news but the same source that said Epstein kept tapes of people (which now has further evidence to support that he kept tapes) also said Epstein was working for Mossad.

    This isn't exactly complicated to piece together, that Mossad probably got their hands on these tapes and that's one of many ways they control politicians. If so it'd also give a motive for killing Epstein because he probably had the goods to prove it if he ever stood trial and they couldn't have that happening.

    I've seen lots of dumb conspiracy theories thrown around regarding Epstein (e.g. "The Clintons" had him killed) while the best conspiracy theory is in plain sight, that at the very least Epstein was working for Mossad whether or not they actually had him killed. It would also explain how Clinton and Trump were so totally beholden to Israeli interests.
    The enemy of my enemy may be worse than my enemy.

    I do not suffer from Trump Rearrangement Syndrome. Sorry if that triggers you.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    What do we think of Marjorie Taylor Greene?
    I have no idea. Insufficient data.

    A preliminary scan conducted by running the minimal information I've casually encountered about her through some de-Cathedralizing filters indicates an entertainingly wacky gadfly who has a taste for biting sacred cows.

    IOW: Potentially a perfect addition to the Federal Clown ShowTM.

    In any case, she certainly seems to be making all the right enemies: identitarian Republicans, BLM Democrats and other mouth-foaming peddlers of "outrage" ... (and, no doubt, plenty of those tiresomely tut-tutting "decorum" scolds, too ...)


  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTexan View Post
    He pretty much did, at the end. The capitol rioters were his base, and he disavowed them and left them out to dry.

    Many saw his disavowal as a betrayal.
    I suspect the rioters were brought in by the dems.

  18. #16
    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    117th (2021-2022)

    Freedom Index Score: 97%

    GREEN across the board, except for that Juneteenth Federal Holiday she voted yes on.
    Last edited by PAF; 10-06-2022 at 05:16 PM.

    Mises Institute

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  20. #17
    Evidently, lifting weights gets her hot and she craves strange sausage.

    It has been reported that she has banged all of her fitness partners.

    Evidently, Hubby is all cucked because he works for her family's construction company.

    Now that she has a 'gubmint retirement to tap into, he found enough cojones to file for divorce.

    These people that gravitate to the public sector are universally much less moral than you and your family.

    With that said, I like her voting record for the most part, although she is not of the stature to be able to lead others.
    Last edited by sparebulb; 10-07-2022 at 08:33 AM.

  21. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post

    Freedom Index Score: 97%

    GREEN across the board, except for that Juneteenth Federal Holiday she voted yes on.
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Evidently, lifting weights gets her hot and she craves strange sausage.

    It has been reported that she has banged all of her fitness partners.

    Evidently, Hubby is all cucked because he works for her family's construction company.

    Now that she has a 'gubmint retirement to tap into, he found enough cojones to file for divorce.

    These people that gravitate to the public sector are universally much less moral than you and your family.

    With that said, I like her voting record for the most part, although she is not of the stature to be able to lead others.

    I just had to laugh over this

    Of course I am an Agorist and certainly don't look to or ask gubermint to help me save me do something please. But this is the problem in Amerikkka - forget "the record"... Do they fart under the sheets? Pick their nose? Use a fork instead of a spoon to stir their coffee? I guess those things are more important than voting against intrusive gubermint.

    @acptulsa @Anti Federalist
    Last edited by PAF; 10-07-2022 at 10:21 AM.

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I just had to laugh over this

    Of course I am an Agorist and certainly don't look to or ask gubermint to help me save me do something please. But this is the problem in Amerikkka - forget "the record"... Do they fart under the sheets? Pick their nose? Use a fork instead of a spoon to stir their coffee? I guess those things are more important than voting against intrusive gubermint.

    @acptulsa @Anti Federalist
    I agree to a large extent.

    However, members of congress that seem to have more respect for our understanding of government exclusively fall into the "lone wolf" catagory, and fail to inspire, encourage, or lead others to join them.

    Personally, I think MTG falls into the AOC stereotype of what one side of our prepared paradigm is supposed to hate as being extremist.

    The only difference is that AOC is allowed to have allies, MTG is not and is radioactive to the rest of the cucked GOP.

    If she can't inspire allies on her issues, she is largely useless.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    I agree to a large extent.

    However, members of congress that seem to have more respect for our understanding of government exclusively fall into the "lone wolf" catagory, and fail to inspire, encourage, or lead others to join them.

    Personally, I think MTG falls into the AOC stereotype of what one side of our prepared paradigm is supposed to hate as being extremist.

    The only difference is that AOC is allowed to have allies, MTG is not and is radioactive to the rest of the cucked GOP.

    If she can't inspire allies on her issues, she is largely useless.

    I'll probably never ask this again, but I want to see what it feels like (since others ask me all of the time):

    So, what's your "solution"?


    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I just had to laugh over this

    Of course I am an Agorist and certainly don't look to or ask gubermint to help me save me do something please. But this is the problem in Amerikkka - forget "the record"... Do they fart under the sheets? Pick their nose? Use a fork instead of a spoon to stir their coffee? I guess those things are more important than voting against intrusive gubermint.

    @acptulsa @Anti Federalist
    She's voting the right way and pissing off all the right people.

    The buff and cut midget and ButterFace look does nothing for me.

    Give me that chubby little blond out of Florida.

    Kat Cammack - 93 Freedom Index rating

    “It is not true that all creeds and cultures are equally assimilable in a First World nation born of England, Christianity, and Western civilization. Race, faith, ethnicity and history leave genetic fingerprints no ‘proposition nation’ can erase." -- Pat Buchanan

    If America is only an idea, then there is no need for masses of immigrants to come here since they can just create the idea in their own countries. - Random Thought from the Interwebs.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    She's voting the right way and pissing off all the right people.

    The buff and cut midget and ButterFace look does nothing for me.

    Give me that chubby little blond out of Florida.

    Kat Cammack - 93 Freedom Index rating

    That's it, now you've done it. Based on Kat, MTG, Massie, Paul, it's time to increase my 90% threshold to 93+%.

    See? I can shift blame too lol ;-)

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  26. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I'll probably never ask this again, but I want to see what it feels like (since others ask me all of the time):

    So, what's your "solution"?

    Maybe there are no solutions and this is just the way the human condition is meant to be.

    The only solution that I can possibly see is to educate a new generation but there is no numerical chance to reach even the 3% that we had at the inception of the country.

    My plan has been to retreat to my hole and live the balance of my life as best I can.

    Selfish, I know. But there isn't one person in my sphere that has listened to me or has lifted a finger to help stop the insanity.

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Evidently, lifting weights gets her hot and she craves strange sausage.

    It has been reported that she has banged all of her fitness partners.

    Evidently, Hubby is all cucked because he works for her family's construction company.

    They've been separated for three years, was it reported she was banging them before they got separated?

    I haven't even seen any reports on the banging, just the divorce.
    "He's talkin' to his gut like it's a person!!" -me
    "dumpster diving isn't professional." - angelatc
    "You don't need a medical degree to spot obvious bullshit, that's actually a separate skill." -Scott Adams
    "When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those 'different' from you, not those responsible [controllers]" -Q

    "Each of us must choose which course of action we should take: education, conventional political action, or even peaceful civil disobedience to bring about necessary changes. But let it not be said that we did nothing." - Ron Paul

    "Paul said "the wave of the future" is a coalition of anti-authoritarian progressive Democrats and libertarian Republicans in Congress opposed to domestic surveillance, opposed to starting new wars and in favor of ending the so-called War on Drugs."

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  29. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Maybe there are no solutions and this is just the way the human condition is meant to be.

    The only solution that I can possibly see is to educate a new generation but there is no numerical chance to reach even the 3% that we had at the inception of the country.
    I've always felt like the FSP model could work. It's basically what Israel did and it worked for them.

    My plan has been to retreat to my hole and live the balance of my life as best I can.
    Not much else to be done. Any solution of any sort is gonna take risk and sacrifice, and apparently, freedom just isn't worth it.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I just had to laugh over this

    Of course I am an Agorist and certainly don't look to or ask gubermint to help me save me do something please. But this is the problem in Amerikkka - forget "the record"... Do they fart under the sheets? Pick their nose? Use a fork instead of a spoon to stir their coffee? I guess those things are more important than voting against intrusive gubermint.

    @acptulsa @Anti Federalist
    Don't ask me. I don't watch soap operas. Ask him. He seems to have an inexhaustible appetite for that bull$#@!.

    Quote Originally Posted by dannno View Post
    They've been separated for three years, was it reported she was banging them before they got separated?

    I haven't even seen any reports on the banging, just the divorce.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

  31. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by sparebulb View Post
    Maybe there are no solutions and this is just the way the human condition is meant to be.
    And lobbyists. As long as they give free stuff away, and then provide products/solutions to "fight back" against the free stuff they gave away, people will flock to either side. I've mentioned the "revolving door" several times already.

    The only solution that I can possibly see is to educate a new generation but there is no numerical chance to reach even the 3% that we had at the inception of the country history of man.
    Keep the spark lit, and for those looking for like-minded people.

    My plan has been to retreat to my hole and live the balance of my life as best I can.
    Why a hole? If able, enjoy everything that you can, wherever you may go. I have always lived my life as such, but when Ron Paul said "if you're not having fun, you're not doing it right", even at my age, I was like hell yeah lol.

    Selfish, I know. But there isn't one person in my sphere that has listened to me or has lifted a finger to help stop the insanity.
    Selfish doesn't register after all that has been taken from us - BOTH sides. I also figure it this way: when others book the most expensive hotels, $150 meals, and $85 on souvenirs that cram up the kitchen drawers, I instead use the money to extend vacations longer, do other fantastic things, and invest. What other people do is on them ;-)

    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  32. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Don't ask me. I don't watch soap operas. Ask him. He seems to have an inexhaustible appetite for that bull$#@!.
    I wasn't asking, just pointing another example out, which makes me wanna:


    Mises Institute

    An Agorist Primer ~ Samuel Edward Konkin III (free PDF download)

    The End of All Evil ~ Jeremy Locke (free PDF download)

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by PAF View Post
    I wasn't asking, just pointing another example out, which makes me wanna:

    Once upon a time, people who couldn't fathom the issues had to decide if they trusted a candidate's character instead. Now that people who can't fathom the issues also tend not to have any character themselves, everyone just follows the herd. The blue sheep follow the barking dogs, and the red sheep shy away from the barking dogs.
    Quote Originally Posted by fisharmor View Post
    Yeah, well, you've already collected as many flies with vinegar as you're gonna.

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