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Thread: PATRIOTS Have stormed capitol building - Masses Breached Barriers

  1. #691
    Appropriate time to start Page 24 of this thread, at the start of 1984+40.

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  3. #692
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Appropriate time to start Page 24 of this thread, at the start of 1984+40.

    Conspiracy theorist chump!

  4. #693
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post
    Appropriate time to start Page 24 of this thread, at the start of 1984+40.

    Imagine if the very first line of that article would explain everything. Wouldn't that be something?
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Pinochet is the model
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Liberty preserving authoritarianism.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swordsmyth View Post
    Enforced internal open borders was one of the worst elements of the Constitution.

  5. #694
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCount View Post
    Imagine if the very first line of that article would explain everything. Wouldn't that be something?
    It would be one hell of a stretch of even Walt Disney's imagination.

    Updated. So? The headline wasn't updated.

  6. #695

  7. #696
    Happy Insurrection Day!
    Last edited by Occam's Banana; 01-06-2024 at 12:11 PM.

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  9. #697
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Happy Insurrection Day!
    This year is going to be so weird. If these guys are able to steal another election - which I fully expect them to do (if we even have one) - they will start coming for lots of us. This happened in the Soviet Union. It happens in lots of third world countries, too. Even responding in a thread that labels the insurrectionists as patriots, puts us at risk.

    Here's to being on the right side of history, PATRIOTS!!
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  10. #698
    What a surprise, Harry Dunn running for Congress.

    I guess even a book deal isn’t enough to educate people about the horror of Jan. 6, now he has to sit in Congress and push his police state agenda. Is it too late to say ACAB or do progressives make an exception for this particular pig?

  11. #699
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post
    This year is going to be so weird. If these guys are able to steal another election - which I fully expect them to do (if we even have one) - they will start coming for lots of us. This happened in the Soviet Union. It happens in lots of third world countries, too. Even responding in a thread that labels the insurrectionists as patriots, puts us at risk.

    Here's to being on the right side of history, PATRIOTS!!
    "If they are able to _____" ... boy, I keep hearing this refrain a lot, but I keep not seeing it ever happen

    "If they are able to ___round us all up into FEMA camps___"
    "If they are able to ___force us all to take the bioweapon murder-vaxx___"
    "If they are able to ___put a global carbon tax on us___"
    "If they are able to ___force us all into EVs___"

    I'm not discounting their ambitions -- there can be no doubt they'd liquidate everyone that even dreams of opposing their Agenda if they could somehow pull it off. But the only way that's going to happen is if people get so cowed by fear that they won't even speak up on (relatively) anonymous online forums and let it be known that they oppose this evil. If we truly can't work up even that mustard seed of courage, then I guess we deserve extermination, having devolved into a nation of cowards.

    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  12. #700
    Quote Originally Posted by ClaytonB View Post
    "If they are able to _____" ... boy, I keep hearing this refrain a lot, but I keep not seeing it ever happen

    If they are able to steal a Presidential election...
    If they are able to steal half of our wealth...
    If they are able to devalue our currency...
    If they are able to invite an invasion through our southern border...
    If they are able to put our small businesses out of business...

    I suppose it's what you pay attention to.
    "And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun: May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." - Bastiat

    "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere." - Voltaire

  13. #701
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptUSA View Post

    If they are able to steal a Presidential election...
    If they are able to steal half of our wealth...
    If they are able to devalue our currency...
    If they are able to invite an invasion through our southern border...
    If they are able to put our small businesses out of business...

    I suppose it's what you pay attention to.
    OK, but the things on your list are things that God has been permitting them to "get away with" for thousands of years... not because he's OK with it, but because he hasn't gotten to that row on his vengeance-list yet. There has been a step-change in tyranny since the formation of the Federal Reserve, as you are well aware. That step-change is the cause of the many black-pills out there and I don't blame people for being extremely discouraged, because, before 100 years ago, they could never have gotten away with anything like this present tyranny. But the fact that it is such an enormous exception from the historical norm which God has permitted for his own reasons (despite morally opposing it!) is a sure sign that this is just God giving them over before he wipes them out, which is the universal pattern of divine justice. When God swings his sword, it is lightyears beyond justified. And that is because he is omnipotent, so he leaves no room for error.

    Their end is upon them, see my sig-line...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  14. #702
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  15. #703

    "An idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government" - Ron Paul.

    "To learn who rules over you simply find out who you arent allowed to criticize."

  16. #704

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  18. #705
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The FBI investigated themselves, and found they did nothing wrong.

    How you do tyranny in the 21st century...

  19. #706
    Quote Originally Posted by A Son of Liberty View Post
    The FBI investigated themselves, and found they did nothing wrong.
    And if a former Vice President can take their word for it, plebe, so can you.

  20. #707
    The Dying Myth of Jan the 6th: A Rant
    {The Rageaholic | 12 January 2024}

    Well, it only took 2 and one-half years...

  21. #708

  22. #709

  23. #710

  24. #711

  25. #712
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    Great, thanks a lot Glenn... so much for the streaming & eat-in date-night I had planned... IT'S ON!
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

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  27. #713
    Quote Originally Posted by Occam's Banana View Post
    The Jan 6 Rematch: Glenn Greenwald & Destiny Debate
    {Glenn Greenwald | 30 January 2024}

  28. #714

  29. #715

  30. #716

  31. #717

  32. #718
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    The message is clear. Obey and fall in line or else!

  33. #719
    Protect and support the brave men and women that serve us as law enforcement, teachers, government employees, politicians. Imagine where we would be without all their input and support!

    I got a call the other day from some cop wanting donations. He wouldn't shut up so I let him finish his speech. When he was done he asked if he could count on me for a donation. I said, "no." He then said that even a small one time donation of as little as $75 or even $25 makes a world of difference and asked if he could count on me for that. I said, "no." He acted and sounded like he had never heard that word before after his entire rhetoric. He then said,"okay" and hung up.
    Last edited by GlennwaldSnowdenAssanged; 02-25-2024 at 06:13 AM.

  34. #720
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    Don't you dare tell that baby that "it's okay", you $#@!ing pig. His father is a pawn in a political persecution, and you are actively facilitating it, and potentially wrecking that kid's life. So it's not $#@!ing "okay".

    Time's a comin'...

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