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Thread: Trump Is Considering Clemency for Silk Road Founder

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by vita3 View Post
    Crypto & a lot of creeps selling darkness

    Jail it is

    Criminal “libertarians “ crack me up
    in full agreement.
    "When Sombart says: "Capitalism is born from the money-loan", I should like to add to this: Capitalism actually exists only in the money-loan;" - Theodor Fritsch

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  3. #32
    For the first time that I can recall, the Libertarian Party leveraged their position of potential power effectively by striking a deal with Trump to get a commutation/pardon of Russ Ulbricht.

    The LP has always had this type of potential but unfortunately they have never put it into play until this cycle. They had power but never understood it or were unwilling to exercise it.

    The strategic playbook for the LP, on a national level, should always have been to run a solid Presidential candidate hard in the swing states and force both Republican and Democrat parties to make concessions on policy matters. That is the LP's most direct path to power on the federal level.

    Hopefully this lesson is well learned and the LP continues down this strategic political path of gaining more power over the decades to gain more and more pro-liberty actions and policies from the Republicans and Democrats.

    I do think they went a little overboard in their execution by hosting Trump and saying favorable things about him prior to the action he took (he does some liberty things, but cannot be confused for a pro-liberty President). But overall I commend them for making the pardon happen.

    Also, to add... I think having a Presidential candidate who has been a victim of the deep state and weaponization of the DOJ themselves, made him much more sympathetic to the cause of justice here. Thankfully I think Trump will now be a lot more skeptical of people charged and convicted of "crimes" in the future which should help limit the government's actions in some areas. His skepticism of the federal government should lead to greater restrain I'm hoping.
    __________________________________________________ ________________
    "A politician will do almost anything to keep their job, even become a patriot" - Hearst

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