U.N./Gates are On the Record stating that the goal is to have every man, woman and child on earth be Biometrically ID'd. Gates is the primary contributor, donating, contributing and starting up companies including ID2020.org, and is among the very top contributors to the CDC. He also told Trump "No, you don't want to do that" when Trump suggested having investigations. If you search Bill Gates giving speeches, such as on Ted Talk for one example, he clearly speaks about population control, pandemics and vaccinating everybody on earth.
Our own government is involved, claiming that it defunded UN and CDC, but financials from Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" indicate that the money was simply diverted from the UN and CDC directly to the pharmaceutical/biotech industrial complex, to the tune of trillions of dollars including contracts. Biden was not president during those years.
Follow the Money
The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Literally Make Bill Gates the Most Powerful Man on Earth
Bill Gates Funds Vitamin Linked To Infertility
Gates Foundation Gives $200 Million to Help Establish GLOBAL Digital ID System of Surveillance
S. 4528 - Improving Digital Identity Act of 2022
Bill Gates’ Factory Breeding 30 Million Mosquitos Infected With Infertility Bacteria Per Week
Gates Foundation bougnt $55 million of Biontech in SEPT 2019
National Science Foundation Announces Partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to Foster Sustainable Agricultural Solutions around the World
Tax Dollars at Work: mRNA Vaccines in your salad? Scientists growing "medicine-filled" plants
Dutch Online Grocer PICNIC Raises $706 Million from Investors, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
When the Taliban Teamed Up With Bill Gates and UNICEF
Bill Gates Backs News Outlet Dedicated to Climate Change - Take Society From The 51 Billion Tons Of Greenhouse Gases Emitted Per Year Today To Zero By 2050
Bill Gates’ Four Seasons Deal And The Future Of Travel
WHO Releases Technical Manual for "Covid19 Digital Vaccination Certificates" aka Vax Passports
This work was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Government of Estonia, Fondation Botnar, the State of Kuwait, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the academic, Prof. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who persuaded governments that “lockdowns” were necessary, until mass global vaccinations could be rolled out.
August 2021 - Bill Gates Offers $1.5B In Climate Help If US Takes Legislative Action The bipartisan infrastructure bill that just passed the Senate contains something that truly cuts across party lines: corporate welfare. The 2,700 pages of legislation are stuffed with freebies for the companies and causes
Bill Gates, China, BGI Group, 23ANDME, And Your DNA
Gates and the Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in the Florida Keys (Oxitec, Gates and DARPA)
How the Gates Foundation Seeded America's COVID-19 Policy Catastrophes
Bill Gates Is Now The Biggest Owner Of Farmland In America
Bill Gates, Chair of Investment Fund Breakthrough Energy Ventures: "I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef."
Bill Gates' Savior Complex Spirals Out of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race
Bill Gates Led Effort To Get $4 BILLION Allocated to Global GAVI Alliance into the Coronavirus Relief Bill Signed by President Trump
Trump Administration Promised to Commit $1.16 Billion to Bill Gates' GAVI Alliance Over Fiscal Years 2020-2023
VIDEO: President Trump on Bill Gates' GAVI Alliance, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Bill Gates' Microsoft, Accenture, MasterCard-ID2020, Trust Over IP Foundation Launch "COVID-19 and the Lasting Shift to Contactless ID Verification"
Moderna Lands $1.5 Billion Vaccine Contract From Operation Warp Speed
President Trump Appoints The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations' Moncef Slaoui, Executive Board of GSK and Moderna to Head "Operation Warp Speed"
Operation Warp Speed Head and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are Pushing BioElectronics and Vaccine
VIDEO: Bill Gates To President Trump "No, That's a Dead End"
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - First International Eugenics Congress in London - The World Needs Fewer People
Bill & Melinda Gates to Give $250 Million More - The Next Phase in the Fight Against the Pandemic is Beginning
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation K-12 Education
Microsoft / ID2020 Alliance - Public-Private Consortium in Service of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, World Health Organization, World Bank
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Moderna Therapeutics
AstraZeneca signed a $750 million agreement with two Gates Foundation-backed organizations
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and National Institutes of Health join forces with Johnson & Johnson to advance a potential “global vaccine”
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Novavax
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The CDC
Bill Gates' ID2020 and MasterCard Have Signed Together
Microsoft To Deploy ElectionGuard Voting Software In First Real-World Test
Microsoft Teams Worldwide Daily Usage as of April 30, 2020
The list goes on...
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