September 28, 2020

QUESTION: All this emphasis on abortion and Roe v Wade in order to pick a Supreme Court justice is strange that everything has to turn on a single issue. Is this still the ’60 women’s liberation movement that is this strong politically 60 years later?


ANSWER: There is no doubt that Pelosi and Diane Finestein are leftovers being 80 and 87 along with Hillary. The defense of Roe v Wade is actually hypocritical for the Democrats. The main support comes from Gates and Rockefeller Foundations and it is covertly supported by the United Nations. This is all about the Planned Parenthood agenda to provide abortions to minorities to reduce their population. Now you may think I am being a conspiracy theorist. However, back in 2009, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg bluntly told the truth, when she was for equal rights for women.

“Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” She spoke bluntly in an interview published in the New York Times Magazine which was an article on women on the court. So it was not simply a woman’s rights agenda. That was the cover story to hide the real agenda which has always existed – eugenics and to reduce the population of the minorities.

It did not work out as expected. There was a big surge in abortions among whites going into 1980. The abortion of minorities has been rising post-1980. However, make no mistake about it, this is all part of the same agenda to reduce the population growth. Don’t forget, it was Gates’ father who spearheaded Planned Parenthood. Quite frankly, with the BLM movement, I am surprises they are not protesting in front of the Supreme Court and the Gates Foundation.