There is a lot of talk about the origins of the COVID-19 virus, and the actions taken in the early days by Chinese officials. Here’s a hypothesis. Perhaps their actions were not unique or unplanned at all. What if they have successfully squelched and covered up many such incidents in the past, but this time the virus mutated into a highly contagious variant, and they could not contain it?
Was this Standard Operating Procedure, used and refined much more than anyone outside of Chinese knew?
Some background from another thread:
And this would be relevant to the current political discussion surrounding China’s early actions when COVID-19 started. Let’s assume for a minute that the above is true. Viruses, sometimes deadly, have been jumping from animals to humans regularly in China’s wet markets. But in most of the previous cases, the virus did not mutate sufficiently to easily pass from human to human.
What would the Chinese officials have done when that happened? Exactly what they are accused of doing with COVID-19. They would cover it up. And it would have worked.
If true, the actions of the Chinese officials would not be an aberration. It would have been an established policy. It just didn’t work this time.
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