Perhaps our numbers are dwindling, perhaps they are not. Regardless, there are still those of us who believe in individualism, liberty and fiscal responsibility. We know that government will never save us, nor act in our best interest.

One can blame the Chinese, Iran, Mexicans, prostitutes, et al, all he/she wants. One can look to a president as a king, hoping he/she will make everything better. Blame, blame, blame.

I believe more enough time has passed in yet another presidential experiment to know that government will continue to grow exponentially. I believe enough time has passed to realize that no president will ever have a fire-side chat to explain to the people how devastating the FedDeptEd is, or what fractional reserve lending is, so that people will truly understand, and STOP playing party politics (15D chess). It should be completely obvious by now that with each passing presidency, principles continue to be forgotten about or put on the backburner, losing sight of what individual freedom/liberty is all about.

My r3VOLution continues. I am on the front line, explaining to random people I talk to at stores, bars, work, even abroad, the basic principle of self-ownership, personal contract and property rights, that no government has a right to interfere.

Hopefully members of this forum will STOP relying on others, a President/King, waiting for some elected politicians, to do the work for them. Hopefully members of this board will recall the what brought us together and continue that path; NAP, Education, the Declaration of Independence, and live it, not just talk/hope about it. Otherwise, the next generation will know nothing other than what we left them, and wrongfully offered them to the state.

Ron Paul has said time and again that politics is not the answer. Teaching, reaching the hearts and minds of the people is, regardless of race or nationality. Something that indoctrination camps have down to a science. Who is smarter, YOU or Govt Schools?

My r3VOLution is not dead, because I as an individual will continue until the day that I die.