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Thread: CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy

  1. #1

    CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy

    CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy
    The conspiracy theory that exposes the Democrats' desperation and panic.

    Fri Nov 29, 2019
    Oleg Atbashian

    In the last few days, media talking heads have been saying the word "CrowdStrike" a lot, defining it as a wild conspiracy theory originating in Moscow. They were joined by Chris Wallace at Fox News, who informed us that president Trump and his ill-informed fans believe in a crazy idea that the DNC wasn't hacked by the Russians but by some Ukrainian group named CrowdStrike that stole the DNC server and brought it to Ukraine , and that it was Ukraine that meddled in our 2016 election and not Russia.

    A crazy idea indeed. Except that neither Trump nor his fans had ever heard of it until the Democrat-media complex condescendingly informed them that these are their beliefs.

    Let's look at the facts:

    Fact 1. In 2016 the DNC hired the Ukrainian-owned firm CrowdStrike to analyze their server and investigate a data breach.
    Fact 2. CrowdStrike experts determined that the culprit was Russia.
    Fact 3. The FBI never received access to the DNC server, so the Russian connection was never officially confirmed and continues to be an allegation coming from the DNC and its Ukrainian-owned contractor.
    Fact 4. Absent the official verdict, other theories continue to circulate, including the possibility that the theft was an inside job by a DNC employee, who simply copied the files to a USB drive and sent it to WikiLeaks.

    None of these facts was ever disputed by anyone. The media largely ignored them except for the part about the Russian hackers, which boosted their own, now debunked, wild conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent.

    Now that Trump had asked the newly elected Ukrainian president Zelensky to look into CrowdStrike during that fateful July phone call, the media all at once started telling us that "CrowdStrike" is a code word for a conspiracy theory so insane that only Trump could believe in it, which is just more proof of how insane he is.
    But if Trump had really said what Mr. Wallace and the media claim, Ukrainians would be the first to call him on it and the impeachment would've been over by now. Instead, Ukrainians back Trump every step of the way.

    So where did this pretzel-shaped fake news come from, and why is it being peddled now?

    Note this is a classic case study of propaganda and media manipulation:

    1. Take an idea or a story that you wish to go away and make up an obviously bogus story with the same names and details as the real one.
    2. Start planting it simultaneously on media channels until the fake story supplants the real one, while claiming this is what your opponents really believe.
    3. Have various fact-checking outlets debunk your fake story as an absurd conspiracy theory. Ridicule those who allegedly believe in it. Better yet, have late night comedians do it for you.
    4. Once your opponent is brought down, mercilessly plant your boot on his face and never let up.

    This mass manipulation technology had been tested and perfected by the Soviet propaganda machine, both domestically and overseas, where it was successfully deployed by the KGB. The Kremlin still uses it, although it can no longer afford it on the same grandiose scale. In this sense, the Democratic think tanks are the true successors of the KGB in deviousness, scope, and worldwide reach of fake narratives. How they inherited these methods from the KGB is a story for another day.
    For a long time this technology was allowing the Democrats to delegitimize opposition by convincing large numbers of Americans that Republicans are…

    • Haters
    • Racists
    • Fascists
    • Deniers of science
    • Destroyers of the environment
    • Heartless sellouts to corporate interests
    • And so on - the list is endless.

    The Soviet communists had aptly named it "disinformation," which a cut above the English word "misinformation." It includes a variety of methods for a variety of needs, from bringing down an opponent to revising history to creating a new historical reality altogether. In this sense, most Hollywood movies on historical subjects today disinform us about history, supplanting it with a bogus "progressive" narrative. The Soviet term for such art was "socialist realism."

    Long story short, the Democrat-media complex has successfully convinced one half of the world that Trump is a Russian agent. Now they're acting as if they'd spent the last three years in a coma, unaware of any bombshell stories about collusion. And bombshell stories without any continuation are a telltale sign of fake narratives. The only consequence of these bombshells is mass amnesia among the foot soldiers.

    The Trump-Russian outrage is dead, long live the Trump-Ukraine outrage. And when that outrage is dead, the next outrage that will be just outrageous.
    The current impeachment narrative alleges that Trump used military aid as leverage in asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden (which implies the Democrats know Biden is dirty, otherwise why bother?). What's not in this picture is CrowdStrike. Even though Trump mentioned it in the phone call, it has nothing to do with the Bidens nor the Javelin missiles. CrowdStrike has nothing to do with impeachment. We're told it's just a silly conspiracy theory in Trump's head, that it's a nonissue.

    But then why fabricate fake news about it and plant blatant lies simultaneously in all media outlets from Mother Jones to Fox News? Why risk being exposed over such a nonissue? Perhaps because it's more important than the story suggests.

    Only a computer illiterate would think that CrowdStrike needed to take the physical DNC server to Ukraine in order to analyze it. Any computer can be cloned and its digital image can be sent within minutes anywhere on the planet in the form of ones and zeroes. It can also exist in multiple digital copies, carrying not just confidential archives, but also history logs and other content that can reveal to an expert whether the hacking occurred, and if so, by whom.

    The copies of the DNC server on CrowdStrike computers are likely to hold the key to understanding what really happened during the 2016 election, the origin of the anti-Trump witch hunt, and the toxic cloud of lies that had been hanging over the world and poisoning minds during the last three years.

    And now the new Ukrainian government might subpoena these copies from CrowdStrike and finally pass them to FBI experts, which should've been done three years ago. The danger of this happening is a much greater incentive for the Democrats to preemptively destroy Trump than all the dirt Joe Biden had been rolling in as Obama's vice president.

    This gives the supposedly innocuous reference to CrowdStrike during Trump's call a lot more gravity and the previously incoherent part of the transcript begins to make sense.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation.

    If you read the transcript on the day it was released, you probably didn't understand what Trump was even talking about, let alone what had caused such a disproportionate outrage, complete with whistle blowing and calls for impeachment. What in that mild conversation could possibly terrify the Democrats so much? They were terrified because, unlike most Americans, the Democrats knew exactly what Trump was talking about. And now you know, too.

    The fraudulent "CrowdStrike conspiracy" deflection is not a show of the Democrats' strength. Instead, It betrays their desperation and panic, which tells us that Trump is squarely over the target.

    It also helps us to see who at Fox News can be trusted to tell us the truth. And it ain't Chris Wallace.
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    The Federalist Papers, No. 15:

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  3. #2
    And what happened to the DNC server that mysteriously disappeared from Xavier Becerra’s office? There is so much that the DNC wants to cover up.
    "Foreign aid is taking money from the poor people of a rich country, and giving it to the rich people of a poor country." - Ron Paul
    "Beware the Military-Industrial-Financial-Pharma-Corporate-Internet-Media-Government Complex." - B4L update of General Dwight D. Eisenhower
    "Debt is the drug, Wall St. Banksters are the dealers, and politicians are the addicts." - B4L
    "Totally free immigration? I've never taken that position. I believe in national sovereignty." - Ron Paul

    Proponent of real science.
    The views and opinions expressed here are solely my own, and do not represent this forum or any other entities or persons.

  4. #3
    I think this goes here:

    Just wait till CloudFlare gets weaponized. Something like a quarter of the Web, outright. There are just a few big CDNs that, between them, account for 90+% of the public Internet. It could all go dark with a snap of the fingers.

    There is a pretense among high-tech people that technology is somehow so counter-intuitive that all the ordinary rules that would apply in any other domain are the exact opposite in high-tech. Critical security vulnerabilities are so terrible that the entire world must be simultaneously updated this very second or everything will collapse. In the name of this obviously nonsensical threat-model, these big corps roll out all kinds of insane update technologies. One of the most obvious ways to prevent hard security failures is to avoid hard updates. Do your updates asynchronously. Allow end-users or IT departments to review/approve and schedule updates according to the needs of their organizations. Centralized rollout means central point-of-failure. But they don't learn. It's not because they don't know all of this. They know. Rather, the power-brokers who write their paychecks want global choke-points in the Internet precisely so they can impose scorched-earth punishments when it is politically useful for them. In the name of "security", they create engineered insecurity. They are the malware. Protect yourself, act in your own interests. Run free-software. Run local. Run on-prem. If you have to use a VPS/CDN, have failovers. Have backup generators. And so on and so forth. Most importantly, never believe the tech propaganda. They never have it all under control. They are always lying. There are no backups unless you verify them. There is no redundancy unless you've actually tested it (test outage). Etc. They are lying more than you can imagine...
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  5. #4
    [this post is just my personal opinion per my employer's social media policy and in no way reflects an official statement or opinion]

    So, to me, it has all the hallmarks of a weapons test.

    The official narrative is that it was an accident, or some kind of oversight, lack of testing etc.

    But we dont' really know. The fix was basically to restart every server affected in safe mode and remove the offending binary. But it was a binary (.exe). We don't know what it was, just like we don't know why it crashed Windows (another opaque binary).

    Are all of these companies allowing an internet connected privileged binary running in production dumb? Probably. But these are sprawling systems, so many components of which are outsourced. Management gets schmoozed into contracts, everything gets pushed into centralization so entities like Palantir, et al can have unfettered access to as much data as possible.

    Isolation costs money and requires talent. What's the incentive when the goal is centralization? They need accidents and ransomware attacks because those show the incompetence of bureaucracies and the desperate need for SaaS, the "cloud" (i.e. someone else's computer), and fed-compliant this and that.

    Brendan O'Connell, a journalist, albeit a pretty neurotic one, has collated a lot of info about the Israeli's laser-like focus in this sphere. He's reported in the past that via Bill Gates, Israeli's have kernel access to Windows. Which is just to say, the depth of their access to the "kill switch" goes far deeper than Crowdstrike or Cloudflare.

    This is the dillemna we're in. Even if you successfully were to create a "separate internet" running on the blockchain, etc., etc. this beast would infiltrate, shut you down or buy you out before you even got widespread recognition.

    The reality of what the world is facing is the blackets of black pills. If you don't have faith in God, and believe in the Messiah who is Christ, what exactly is your plan? The plan is simple if you have no faith. This thing is undefeatable. You marvel at it and accept that you simply follow it if you want to live? How can you beat it? Rev 13:4 "People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”

    Thinks are getting pretty intense, don't forget to stock up on oil. Matt 25:1-13
    When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble?
    When disaster comes to a city, has not the Lord caused it? Amos 3:6

  6. #5

  7. #6

  8. #7
    But wait, there's more.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown View Post
    But wait, there's more.

    Yikes. That's a good summation. Knew Blackrock was involved but not to that degree.......

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  11. #9
    Jer. 11:18-20. "The Kingdom of God has come upon you." -- Matthew 12:28

  12. #10
    What is CrowdStrike’s connection to Microsoft?

  13. #11
    Ironic of the name for the Company

  14. #12

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