Google employees are accusing the company's leadership of developing an internal surveillance tool that they believe will be used to monitor workers' attempts to organize protests and discuss labor rights. Earlier this month, employees said they discovered that a team within the company was creating the new tool for the custom Google Chrome browser installed on all workers' computers and used to search internal systems. The concerns were outlined in a memo written by a Google employee and reviewed by Bloomberg News and by three Google employees who requested anonymity because they aren't authorized to talk to the press.

The tool would automatically report staffers who create a calendar event with more than 10 rooms or 100 participants, according to the employee memo. The most likely explanation, the memo alleged, "is that this is an attempt of leadership to immediately learn about any workers organization attempts." A representative for Alphabet Inc.'s Google said, "These claims about the operation and purpose of this extension are categorically false. This is a pop-up reminder that asks people to be mindful before auto-adding a meeting to the calendars of large numbers of employees." The extension was prompted by an increase in spam around calendars and events, according to Google. It doesn't collect personally identifiable information, nor does it stop the use of calendars but rather adds a speed bump when employees are reaching out to a large group, the company said.
The real purpose of the absolute elimination of privacy is the total enslavement of mankind. THIS is a MAJOR STEP towards that. The controllers, rulers, status quo, techocrats, whatever you want to call them, they dont give two squirts of piss about helping some old lady that got robbed to find out who robbed her. Their real intent is to crush public dissent before it gains any traction. Thats the elimination of the First Amendment altogether, which is the first because it was considered at the time to be more important than any other possible Right to be recognized. When we have lost the First, freedom will be gone, possibly forever. Crushing public dissent also comes in stages. First, they go after the "crazies". Well, anyone the MSM basically accuses of being "crazy". Then they go after the Unions. You know, the groups of people who stand up to the exploitation by employers. Finally, they come for you. When you call out for help to anyone that might listen, there will be NO ONE. Why? Because far too many people willingly handed Googlag and those like it the keys to their kingdoms. Google thinks its better to have people just get in line and blindly obey. Hell, even Eric Schmidt, the guy that wrote the Google Algorithm said that having "multiple search results is a bug" because there should be just one answer for every question, which means no one can have a dissenting opinion about anything.

Since Google now pretty much controls history, will your grandchildren even be able to learn about American History without immediately being flagged as a Terrorist or whatever the trigger word / phrase is? Thought Crimes. Here. NOW. You were warned.