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Thread: China is dumping wooden cabinet imports in U.S.: Commerce Department

  1. #1

    China is dumping wooden cabinet imports in U.S.: Commerce Department

    The U.S. Commerce Department said in preliminary determination on Thursday that China was dumping wooden cabinets in the United States at margins ranging from 4.5% to 262.2%.The department is also probing whether imports of wood cabinets, vanities and their components from China were being unfairly subsidized and began collecting cash deposits in August to offset the alleged subsidy.
    The U.S. International Trade Commission will need to make a final finding if U.S. producers are harmed by those imports on or around March 30, 2020.

    More at:
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  3. #2
    If you want an american vanity do you have to make it ?
    Do something Danke

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