A retro TV station started airing re-runs of the show "The Invaders" on late Saturday nights.

I think this may be the first time the show has ever been re-aired, or at least it's the first time in about 50 years.

The first episode is called "Beachhead". Watching it, I could not stop thinking about the similarities to actions by the Chinese, the Saudis, etc., and the massive importation of foreign strangers - all this having been secretly contrived, planned and forced upon Americans by globalists seeking to obliterate the existing "us" and change what the country of America has been, and what it strives to be.

At the time the show was made in 1967, no one would have imagined that the crap taking place now, could ever possibly be allowed to occur. No one would've expected that at some point, most, if not all, of America's own elected officials would willingly plan to smother "us" - to obliterate existing Americans! - in order to create some dreamed-of utopia for a whole different set of beings! The script, production, acting, etc. of the show are not particularly special, but I found it almost shocking, to see TV characters permitted to behave honestly about the obvious immorality of obliterating a living people, so that their unique creation can be taken over by others who mostly don't even try to understand, or care about what made America different and desirable in the first place.

The incrementalism of arrogant politicians has truly been a cancer on America.
Anyone watch this show?


Not positive, but I kind of thought I recalled a thread title about this show posted by someone else a while back, but the crummy search function turned up nothin. Sorry if there's already a thread I could've just bumped.