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Thread: Minnesota authorities arrest 58 people, rescue 28 victims in child sex and trafficking sting

  1. #1

    Minnesota authorities arrest 58 people, rescue 28 victims in child sex and trafficking sting

    Nearly five dozen people are facing possible felony charges following their arrests for attempting to solicit children for sex or for trafficking victims, according to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA).Investigators with the BCA-led Human Trafficking Investigators Task Force conducted an operation April 4-8 in several Twin Cities communities. During the operation, suspects chatted on several social media platforms with undercover agents and investigators who posed as minors or as sex buyers. Investigators arrested the suspects as they arrived at an arranged meeting place for an encounter.
    Suspects were booked into the Hennepin, Anoka or Ramsey county jails and their cases will be submitted for charging. Most are from the greater Twin Cities area.
    47 people were booked on probable cause felony solicitation of a minor or solicitation of prostitution under 16 years of age.
    11 people were booked on probable cause sex trafficking, promotion of prostitution.
    28 victims were rescued from trafficking situations, including one minor.
    “This operation is an example of the aggressive steps necessary to stop traffickers and johns who buy and sell people for sex in our communities,” said BCA Superintendent Drew Evans. “We can’t let this crime continue, and we must work together to stop it.”

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  3. #2
    There is a lot more than that there . It is Sodom .They must not be looking very hard . Barbarians . All those Pedos giving Dankes home state a bad name .
    Do something Danke

  4. #3

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