...This is How They can Afford to Justify to Themselves Their Open Border Policies.

This of course is not a new axiom, we all know this, their constituents
or 'voting base' is built around feelings, they are easily swayed by emotional
topics invented by Liberal Think Tanks, 'feelings' drive liberals to the polls,
they have no idea that they are being 'played',
they are voting to insure their own freebies and believing that
everyone should get free stuff , always, at the expense of
someone else, anyone else.
Socialist Democrats as I mentioned are isolated from the disarray
that results from unchecked immigration and mass immigration
of hostile (to our culture) people from the middle east.
Politicians have a natural shield from the disarray, they have
enough wealth to afford massive walls, armed guards, and
house themselves in 'safe' communities.
The goal of the elite, is depopulation, socialism leads to depopulation
through outright genocide and or mass starvation, we have seen
this throughout history, you have to have a voting base that is
naive and blind enough to help cultivate and set the stage.
I don't think our liberal politicians understand entirely what they are
creating , they have just bought into the promises that they
believe will come out of socialism, they are to a degree unwitting
soldiers to the elite.
Molyneux touches and some of what I'm saying, particularly how
Politcians and leaders in general are sheilded from the horrible
results of socialism in their personal lives, from Stalin to Obama
(my hyperbole).
Molyneux talks about this issue at about 27:00 or so ......