China’s state-owned Export-Import Bank loaned Kenya $3.6 billion in 2014 to pay for a 293-mile railroad that the state-owned China Road and Bridge Corporation built from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, to the port of Mombasa. But the loan has left Kenya with enormous, some say unpayable, debts. Furthermore, Kenyan workers have complained that the Chinese managers who oversee the railroad and other Chinese operations in the country treat them in humiliating and racist manners.

A New York Times report on October 15 quoted a Kenyan manager at an industrial park in Ruiru where several Chinese companies have set up facilities. “[The Chinese] are the ones with the capital, but as much as we want their money, we don’t want them to treat us like we are not human in our own country,” said the Kenyan.
The Times report noted that when tallying the cost of accepting Chinese investments in their countries, African nations have focused primarily on their rising debts, or occasionally on the exploitative labor practices of some Chinese firms.
But in Nairobi, notes the report, “concerns about racism and discrimination are a growing part of the conversation about China’s expanding presence.”
An article published by Kenya’s Standard newspaper in July about the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) said “a multitude of Kenyans … feel trapped on the train that ably fits the moniker Orient Express, because on it, Chinese nationals have created a small kingdom in which they run roughshod over Kenyan workers who say they are experiencing neo-colonialism, racism and blatant discrimination.”
Kenyans have charged Chinese management with segrating worker facilities by race and using Kenyans only for the most menial jobs.

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