Ron Paul has ruined my life. I was once involved and interested in politics, but I eventually gave up on the entire system, and once I accepted that the actions of my own government were entirely outside the ability of any ordinary American to influence, I was able to sink into a numb acceptance of the inevitable slide into whatever future our masters chose for us.
Then along comes Ron Paul. His candidacy has forced me to drop the apathy, the disillusionment, because he forces me to once again face up the the fact that when a man has the courage to speak the truth to power, and others come together, no person of character can stand idly by and let others struggle without help.
So I educate myself, and donate, and get the word out to people I know, and this is the worst part, allow myself to hope once again. As Rep. Paul rises, with every advance against all the pressures to marginalize him, well, the suspense is killing me. I can't help but feel that if in such a time of looming crisis, when America is torturer, a nearly bankrupt invader contributing to over half a million deaths of a people in their own land, that if the American people cannot embrace a truly humble, decent, wise man, one who has been right and speaking truth on so many issues, when everyone else in power was wrong or silent, then they truly will never have the character to embrace it. Surely, one day, when all the horrible consequences of their foolishness come to pass, they will clamor for the things they threw away, but it will be too late, and they will never have the qualities needed to reclaim them.
So I will suffer for while longer, knowing that if we fail I can ease back into cynicism, knowing that I will never again be plagued by such an opportunity again. Of course, if we win, I have to resign myself to the long fight ahead, and give up on apathy forever, but I'm willing to take that risk if the rest of you are. We'll know before long.
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