Is slavery any less despicable, even if by choice?

I had an epiphany last night. My username on here is truly a good example of how I, and millions of others mind you, feel in this day and age. I argue that this is not by choice, but by threat of violence. Here is what I see:

1. We are as free as our government masters, down to the petty tyrant at the DMV, allow us. Test my assertion if you dare.
2. We (the citizens of USA Corp.) are the most propagandized people to have ever lived on this planet. It would be hard for me to convince one of this if they don't see it already.
3. The same ones creating this propaganda (that we fund lol) seek to herd us all into internet ghettos, where like minds and hive responses are desired. They have succeeded for the most part.
4. These ghettos keep our minds imprisoned and divided against our true oppressors. United we stand, divided we fall.
5. We now have huge swaths of the population that truly wishes physical harm on the "others" for the crime of thinking different.

I could be wrong. I try my best to keep my mind free and focus on what's really important; family, treating my fellow man as I wish to be treated, do no harm to others. However, I find myself allowing what Man forces upon me to take hold of my general well being and rattle my confidence in my fellow humans.

I have to disconnect from this Matrix that is being built for our imprisonment. I can no longer be part of it at this time in my life, because reasons. The real battle for liberty is looking our fellow man in the physical face and saying "I have had enough, have you?", not talking into circular firing squads.

I give much credit and true respect to you (you know who you are) at RPF and to those that run this site because I believe the mission to be worthy. My thirst for liberty will never be quenched and I know many on here feel the same. I don't know any of you, but feel like I kind of do and that's pretty cool. Many of us were snatched out of our statist thoughts by Ron Paul and that bond we will forever share, even if future generations never get to hear his wonderful messages. I will continue to talk about him out in the world. Thank you Ron Paul.

This is just a long way for me to say that I have not been dissapeared (yet), but that I have to take a break from the crazy before it drives me to it. Right truly is wrong now. It's more than just burnout at this point...

Keep up the good fight. My heart is filled with gratitude today and always.
