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Thread: NYC-Marauding bicycle mob leaves destruction, terror, anarchy and chaos in its wake

  1. #1

    Exclamation NYC-Marauding bicycle mob leaves destruction, terror, anarchy and chaos in its wake

    LOL - The Devil's Dozen on a Huffy.

    Cop Hurt as Cycling Mob Rides Wrong Way Through NYC Streets, Attacks Drivers: Witnesses, Police

    One driver says he was punched and his car window was smashed by some of the bicyclists

    By Wale Aliyu

    Published at 6:25 PM EST on Feb 3, 2018 | Updated at 12:41 AM EST on Feb 4, 2018

    A roving mob of bicyclists rode the wrong way down Manhattan streets and attacked drivers who confronted them. Dashcam video shows them surrounding one Uber driver's car. Wale Aliyu reports.

    A mob of dozens of bicyclists rode the wrong way through Manhattan streets on Saturday, attacking drivers who confronted them, witnesses say

    One driver said bicyclists smashed his windows and punched him in the head; another witness said the group was heckling people on the street

    One of the drivers tried to chase the bicyclists against traffic and struck and injured an NYPD officer, police said

    A mob of dozens of bicyclists roamed through the streets of Manhattan against traffic and attacked drivers who confronted them, witnesses say, and police say an officer was injured after being hit by a driver trying to chase down the unruly group.

    Some of the cyclists were wearing masks as they zig-zagged through cars on Seventh Avenue in Chelsea on Saturday evening and clashed with drivers. Cell phone video shows the group rolling through the streets between cars.

    Witnesses say they heard screaming and breaking glass as several drivers confronted the bicyclists near West 23rd Street around 4 p.m.

    Witnesses say a large group of bicyclists rode the wrong way through the streets of Manhattan. One driver says he was punched and his windows were smashed.

    One of the drivers, Timothy Lanley, said the cyclists surrounded his car and then attacked when he rolled down his window to confront them.

    “They mobbed the car. And then when I got out the car to tell them not to do what they was doing to the car, they attacked me,” he said.

    Lanley said the cyclists punched him in the head and also smashed the back windshield of his car in two places.

    At one point, a driver who had been assaulted by a bicyclist made a U-turn against the flow of traffic in an attempt to chase down the group. That's when he or she hit an NYPD officer, injuring the officer's leg and hand, law enforcement sources said. That person wasn't expected to face charges because it appeared to be an accident, according to the sources.

    “It was crazy,” Emily Stephen said of witnessing the chaotic scene in broad daylight.

    “I just saw all the bikes going up Seventh Avenue and I saw them surrounding the car,” Stephen said.

    An Uber driver, who didn't want to be named, says the bicyclists also damaged his car as he was dropping off a passenger. He provided NBC 4 with dashcam video in which he says you can see the cyclists taunting him and surrounding his car. He says you can hear them scratching and kicking the vehicle too.

    “It’s a brand new car. I don’t know how much that’s going to cost me now. It’s probably $1,000,” he said.

    Cell Video Shows Violent Mob Cycling Through NYC StreetsCell Video Shows Violent Mob Cycling Through NYC Streets

    Cell phone video shows dozens of bicyclists riding the wrong way through streets in Chelsea on Saturday. Drivers say they damaged cars and one man says he was attacked by several cyclists.(Published Saturday, Feb. 3, 2018)

    Officers were collecting surveillance video as they investigated, but no arrests had been made as of Saturday night. If police catch the bicyclists allegedly involved, they could face reckless endangerment and criminal mischief charges.

    Witnesses say the group dispersed and headed north, where they shouted at walkers and heckled people as far north as Midtown.

    Surveying his car's smashed windows after the attack, Lanley said there should be a law prohibiting bicyclists from riding in such large groups through city streets.

    “You shouldn’t have 18, 19 people riding together. Knowing what they’re doing. They’re taking up the road and making it hard for drivers to go where they’re going,” he said.
    The whole narrative is absurd on its face - at the same time the USA was both founded on White supremacy, slavery, and genocide, yet always meant to be a place that infinity Africans, Indians, and South Americans could come for a "better life"? - Unknown

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  3. #2
    Scary stuff.
    “The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” --George Orwell

    Quote Originally Posted by AuH20 View Post
    In terms of a full spectrum candidate, Rand is leaps and bounds above Trump. I'm not disputing that.
    Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?--Donald Trump

  4. #3
    Time for some common sense bike control laws. Where the hell is Sarah Brady when you need her?

    "Government ... does not exist of necessity, but rather by virtue of a tragic, almost comical combination of klutzy, opportunistic terrorism against sitting ducks whom it pretends to shelter, plus our childish phobia of responsibility, praying to be exempted from the hard reality of life on life's terms." Wolf DeVoon

    "...Make America Great Again. I'm interested in making American FREE again. Then the greatness will come automatically."Ron Paul

  5. #4
    That's a lot of padding. How many times do they have to repeat themselves?

  6. #5
    With the right to self-defend....

    “I’m a doctor. That’s a baby.”~~~Dr. Manny Sethi

  7. #6
    Wale Aliyu on his way to NBC:

  8. #7

  9. #8
    At one point, a driver who had been assaulted by a bicyclist made a U-turn against the flow of traffic in an attempt to chase down the group. That's when he or she hit an NYPD officer, injuring the officer's leg and hand, law enforcement sources said. That person wasn't expected to face charges because it appeared to be an accident, according to the sources.
    This has GOT to be fake news.

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  11. #9

  12. #10
    I have never been attacked by a bicyclist but I have a shotgun.

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