Basically we had a Libertarian President and congress throughout the 1920s , who cut taxes even more than Reagan did , got rid of most government regulations passed in the progressive era , didnt interfere with the economy , and cut the size of government down to a size where it didnt have much power. That eventually led to the depression cause Hoover refused to stimulate the economy through infrastructure , and other means. Also Harding/Coolidge/Hoover were isolationists and that lead to the rise of the Nazis and Imperial Japan.

Then FDR came in and he cut unemployment to 15% by 1936 and by 1941 it was cut down to 10% compared to 25% when he took office (https://elainedu1996.files.wordpress...3c9a1385fd.jpg), and he rebuilt the American military which destroyed are enemies .

Yes Liberalism does not work either as when we implemented them fully in the 60s and 70s it led to double digit inflation, interest rates , and unemployment along with the commies getting stronger.

We instead need a 80s , 90s style conservatism for our country to be successful , which means low taxes (but not eliminating it ), some regulations(like worker and consumer safety regulations , child labor regulations , along with monopoly regulations), along with having a strong military and strong infrastructure. Thanks to those policies implemented by Reagan, HW, Clinton(who governed as a conservative) we had the greatest economic boom in history .