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Thread: Ron Paul Blimp Rally at the Federal Reserve in DC: Thursday 12/13 at 9 am

  1. #1

    Ron Paul Blimp Rally at the Federal Reserve in DC: Thursday 12/13 at 9 am

    Join us for a rally in DC this Thursday as the Ron Paul blimp flies over the Federal reserve. Click here for the Facebook event page.

    Any thoughts on how to promote this? Anyone want to help admin the event?

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  3. #2
    I would go to the and type in the zip around D.C. and go from there, be nice and spread RP message.

    RP 08

  4. #3
    I'm already promoting this through the DC Meetup group.

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by bszoka View Post
    Join us for a rally in DC this Thursday as the Ron Paul blimp flies over the Federal reserve.
    The Blimp will not be able to overfly this event due to weather and FAA airspace restrictions... SORRY.
    Please see this thread for **OFFICIAL** blimp updates and questions:

    good luck to us all

  6. #5
    Woah wait. I thought the Blimp was suppose to fly over D.C. on Friday??

  7. #6
    No, it will most likely not be able to because of the 15-mile radius FRZ around DC.

  8. #7
    Well the blimp flight plan says there will be a DC rally. Anyone know when that is? I'd like to attend that.

  9. #8
    No, the DC rally has been postponed indefinitely.

    I'll keep the facebook event updated as the blimp's flight plan develops.

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