IDs are useful, but dangerous. These guys appear to be working on a solution.

We’re building an open-source global identity network on a permissioned distributed ledger, and we’re giving it away. This is no ordinary ledger. It’s a high-speed, privacy-enhancing, distributed public ledger engineered for a single purpose: self-sovereign identity. Identity is a mess. We are cleaning it up.

Looking around I also found this,

Companies are trying to do their part to protect their customers information, but it is expensive. ... However, all is not lost. A team at the multinational professional service firm Deloitte have collaborated with the World Economic Forum in order to explain how digital identity systems can still drive maximum value, with security as a priority.

“We see blockchain and digital identity as living in sym*biosis,” states Deloitte’s mandate for digital identity. ”Digital identity is a critical enabler to broaden block*chain application. And blockchain appears to offer powerful capabilities to digital identity systems, such as unforgeable and publicly verifiable identity proofing via distributed ledger,”.

Blockchains will be able to provide the convenience of single-sign-on, and to use that identity across a multitude of organisations. This possibility first came to light in September 2016, when Evernym announced that it had donated the intellectual property for the Sovrin Identity Network, to a newly formed nonprofit organization; The Sovrin Foundation.

Anyone here familiar with this effort?