Wow, the empathy and ignorance is astonishing. You are believing in a cult, the idea that you can somehow live in Adam's America or Jefferson. It isn't ravings, it is fact.

When Paul spoke of looking back on the founders, he was peddling the myths that people like yourself love to believe in. Even got an ignorant teenage adult like me thinking his world view was possible, not realizing at the time, he wasn't an advocate for poor people, only if they lived lives like he has, or had his luck. That is how many people think when they have success, but they are wrong.

The only way to a just society is some social programs, and a balanced view on people, not these people are lazy and useless, and needy greedy bastards, because they are poor, which may be true, but the wealthy concentrate on wealth and exploitation too, so they are not warren Buffet as some like to imagine.