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Thread: Hacker behind DNC email leaks, U.S. election database hacks arrested in Prague (blog)

  1. #1

    Hacker behind DNC email leaks, U.S. election database hacks arrested in Prague (blog)

    Yeah, sure. On the eve of the debate. FBI involvement? Yeah, sure.....

    The alleged hacker supposedly behind the 2016 DNC email leaks, as well as several other attacks on the U.S., has been arrested in Prague.

    A Russian hacker has been arrested in Prague by Czech police in cooperation with the FBI. The alleged hacker was supposedly involved in several cyberattacks on the U.S. and is specifically suspected of conducting the email leaks that took place at this year’s Democratic National Convention.

    According to a statement by the Czech police published on Tuesday, the alleged hacker was successfully detained in 12 hours, thanks to the rapid exchange of information with U.S. authorities.

    At this time, there isn’t much known about the identity of the alleged hacker. Avast Threat Intelligence Director Michal Salat explains how the hacker could have potentially been tracked down by officials:

    “Even prestigious hackers make mistakes, and it is sometimes possible for authorities to track them to their original IP address. Since this hacker was supposedly involved in a series of attacks on election database systems in Arizona and Illinois that took place earlier this year, he could have been tracked down through access logs on the servers.”

    As it goes with the cases of many clever cybercriminals, this suspect likely went to great lengths to cover his digital tracks. Hackers usually do this through the use of a proxy server. “If there was a proxy used in the attack, officials could have teamed up with the owners of the computers hosting the proxies and gained access to information stored in the proxy servers,” said Salat.

    Czech police have stated that Czech judiciary will soon be making a decision whether or not to extradite the suspect’s case to the United States.

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  3. #2
    quid pro quo
    They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support.

  4. #3
    Glad I put "blog" in the title. USA today reports....

    The suspect, who was not immediately identified, is not linked to recent breaches of the Democratic National Committee, the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton or recent cyber incursions of state voter databases that have prompted U.S. authorities to tighten computer defenses across the country, two federal law enforcement officials said.

    Just more DNC media/internet collusion.

  5. #4

    Russia wants him turned over to them.

    Czech police arrest Russian tied to 2012 LinkedIn hack

    Czech police have detained a Russian man wanted in connection with criminal hacking attacks on targets in the United States in an arrest carried out in cooperation with the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    LinkedIn Corp (LNKD.N) said on Wednesday that the arrest was related to a 2012 breach at the social networking company that it previously said may have compromised credentials of 100 million users, prompting it to launch a massive password reset operation.

    "Following the 2012 breach of LinkedIn member information, we have remained actively involved with the FBI's case to pursue those responsible," LinkedIn said in the statement.

    "We insist that the detainee is handed over to Russia," it quoted Andrei Kolmakov, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Prague, as saying.

    Reuters could not reach Kolmakov for comment.

    Czech and U.S. authorities declined to confirm that the man was a suspect in the LinkedIn breach or say what charges were being filed against him.

    Video footage released by police showed a man being arrested without resistance in a restaurant of a central Prague hotel. He had dark hair, and wore a hooded sweatshirt with camouflage pattern, blue jeans and sneakers.

    A Czech police spokesman said that Yevgeniy N., a Russian born in 1987, had been arrested on Oct. 5 in response to a request through Interpol.

    Police said the man was briefly hospitalized after collapsing and then put in custody.

    Two U.S. officials said the man was not linked to recent political hacks in the United States.

    The U.S. government this month accused Russia of a campaign of cyber attacks against Democratic Party organizations ahead of the Nov. 8 presidential election. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said a hacking scandal would not be in Russia's interests.

  6. #5

    Blog Entries
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    Apr 2010
    Ip address? That is not reliable.

    Two U.S. officials said the man was not linked to recent political hacks in the United States.

    Uhh.. ok.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by UWDude View Post
    Ip address? That is not reliable.

    Two U.S. officials said the man was not linked to recent political hacks in the United States.

    Uhh.. ok.
    So the FBI just busted some hacker wanted by Russia and hiding out in the EU.

    and this is to distract from,,,,?
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
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