From the start it were only Hillary Rodham Clinton and Donald Trump in the spotlight (even in Europe they get shoved down our throat), and because nobody will vote for any politician they don’t know, it’s the media that decides who wins. Last July 26, Hillary accepted the official nomination, while a few days earlier Trump became the nominee for the Democrat-Republicans.
You cannot seriously consider voting for either of these scumbags. Can you think of any other reason to vote for Clinton because you’re against Trump, or vote for Trump because you despise Hillary? The charade is too obvious, they are really of the same party (the Rockefeller, Kissinger, Soros, CFR, elite party).
Only politicians with the support of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) can become president of the USA. The CFR takes their orders from Rockefeller, who could be seen as the King of the USA. Bill Clinton is a member of both Bilderberg and CFR. Donald Trump isn’t an official member of CFR (yet), but had a good talk with the president of CFR in August 2015:
The connection between Donald Trump and Rothschild agent George Soros (member of Bilderberg and CFR) is interesting: they were involved in a money laundering, bankruptcy fraud with the General Motors Building in New York City:
George Soros has “warned” about Donald Trump, to give him additional media coverage and at the same time publicly supporting Hillary Clinton.
Maybe it will be difficult for Trump to remember for which party he’s the nominee. Until 2008 Trump financed the Democratic Party for hundreds of thousands of dollars (including 10,800 for Hillary), he’s a golf buddy of Bill and such good friends of the Clintons they were at his (last) wedding:
Hillary and Trump even use the same address to avoid taxes: https://hendersonlefthook.wordpress....-trust-center/
Trump wants to become friends with mass murderer Henry Kissinger (Rockefeller agent, former Secretary of State, cofounder of Bilderberg and supporter of communist China), Trump met Kissinger only a few months ago:
Hillary is also very close to mass murderer Kissinger:
Just take look at all the “accidental” deaths connected to Bill and Hillary (the Clinton body count). In all of these unfortunate cases - including a lot of suicides (some with more than 1 bullet!), robberies, and accidents – nobody (alive) has been able to prove their guilt. Here’s a list of some 100 suspicious deaths connected to the Clintons:
An important part of the history of the Clintons is the Whitewater and Castle Grande investments with Jim McDougal (who died in 1988 of a “heart attack”). Apparently when the Clintons make bad investments, others have to pay. Paying off an overdue loan by loaning more money is really clever:
In spring 1978 Jim McDougal proposed to Bill and Hillary to invest together in real estate, Whitewater, to build houses that first would be rented as holiday homes and eventually sold. In 1979 the McDougals and Clintons loaned over 200,000 dollar, but the project failed.
By 1985 Jim McDougal worked on another project, Castle Grande, for which he needed 1.75 million dollar. He could only get this money with the help of Bill and Hillary. Seth Ward was used as a straw man to make the fraudulent transactions possible; Ward received over 300,000 dollars for his cooperation. Most of the money came from Madison Guaranty, where Jim McDougal called the shots. The legal affairs for Castle Grande and Madison Guaranty were handled by attorney Hillary Clinton from the Rose Law Firm. By 1989 the project Castle Grande was already in ruins, by which time the American government (read: tax payer) lost 4 million and when Madison Guaranty filed for bankruptcy, lost another 73 million dollar.
Vince Foster was a college of Hillary at the Rose Law Firm with intimate knowledge on the financial affairs of the Clintons. In July 1993 Foster was summoned to testify to Congress about the records Hillary had illegally destroyed, but was suicide before he got the chance. Documents of Foster were taken by Bernhard Nussbaum and given to Maggie Williams (assistant to Hillary Clinton). David Hale (friends with both Jim McDougal and Bill Clinton) testified in 1993 he was pressured by Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas to illegally lend 300,000 dollar to Susan McDougal (wife of Jim). Susan McDougal was imprisoned for 18 months because she refused to testify against the Clintons, before being pardoned by President Bill Clinton.
The investigation into the Whitewater, Castle Grande scandals started in 1994, and led to sentences for 15 people, among which the follow up of Bill as governor of Arkansas, Jim G. Tucker. Bill and Hillary also committed tax fraud for thousands of dollars, but remained innocent. Governor Bill Clinton was also good friends with Dan Lasater, who employed his brother Roger, and made sure Lasater made a bundle in the new police communications system (what good are friends for, if you do not help them?).
In 1978 Hillary Clinton invested 1000 dollar in cattle futures, is it possible she made almost 100,000 dollar out of this?!
More on the Clintons can be found in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BBCI) scandal were drug money was laundered:
Hillary Clinton of the Rose Law Firm was the first attorney to represent BCCI in 1978. BBCI was also involved with George W. Bush. Bush and the Clintons were also both involved in the Iran Contra affair. A connection of George H.W. Bush, attorney Norman Phillip Brownstein, in turn served on the Board of Directors of Chubb Insurance Company who paid the legal fees in Bill Clinton’s impeachment procedure and lawsuits. Remember that during the Monica Lewinsky affair Bill did everything he could to increase the chances for Bush junior in the presidential election?
For once I agree with the state propaganda, Trump and Clinton as well: ISIS needs to be stopped. I think that bombing food transports in Syria will not make life better for Syrians and it´s no coincidence that the millions of refugees only came after the US army starting their bombing campaign, but I’m just a simple guy and don’t understand politrics.
To understand the humanitarian drama in Syria you need to go back a little further back to the Arabic spring. Already in the 1990s Colonel Gaddafi got Africa its own satellite system (RASCOM) for a one time investment of 400 million dollar, before Africa had to pay an annual fee of 500 million dollar to use European satellites. In 2011 Gaddafi had plans to create the African Investment Bank and African Monetary Fund and wanted Libyan oil to be paid in gold so Africa could print its own money (Saddam Hussein had similar plans in 2002 by the way). This would crash the petrol dollar, so terrorists were financed that eventually lynched Gaddafi.
In September 2012 weapons that had belonged to the Libyan army were shipped to Benghazi for Syrian terrorists (information retrieved by Judicial watch). ISIS wasn´t only provided with weapons, but also financed and trained by the CIA (this was revealed by CIA-contractor Steven Kelley). While CIA-agent Edward Snowden has testified that the leader of ISIS Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, was trained by the Israeli Mossad. Journalist Seymour Hersh has published that the horrible sarin gas attacks in 2013 were done by terrorists supported by the US government:
Then it gets even more interesting… After the terrorist attacks on the American consulate on September 11, 2012 none other than Hillary Clinton told us the story that these attacks were the result of a protest gone wrong against some video:
In reality Clinton was already informed by the DoD on September 12, 2012, that the terrorist attacks were planned 10 days in advance by the terrorist group BCOAR. This shows beyond any doubt that Clinton was lying. The only way they could have known the day after the attack that this was planned 10 days earlier, is that the DoD and Clinton knew beforehand:
Here´s the document of September 12:
So there is evidence from Judicial Watch that the Obama/Clinton administration financed, armed and trained Syrian terrorists (including ISIS) and knew 10 days before of the attack on the US consulate, so I call this just another false flag attack.
Internet trolls, astroturfers are specialised companies to divert the attention away from criticism on the government, politicians and large corporations. One strategy of the astroturfers, is posting immediately (suspiciously fast) after a post that needs to be neutralised. They usually don’t attack the message but discredit the person behind the information (the Ad hominem attack). The astroturfers never provide any interesting information, but mostly spread false rumours. By using several nicknames, they can have a discussion between trolls. And by using computers to help them write messages they are able to react very fast.
This is the most interesting story I found on astroturfing:
In the ongoing American presidential campaign, it’s no secret that internet trolls are widely used. So they can put out any message they want, without taking responsibility.
Here’s information about the 1 million dollar internet troll army of Hillary Clinton:
Here you can read that Russian president Putin uses internet trolls to support Donald Trump:
So boycott the elections, when they clearly take us for even bigger fools than we are, we should find better things to do than follow the lies from filth like Clinton, Trump, Soros and co. Don´t only boycott American elections, but don’t vote in other countries either. Especially when you’re surviving in a Kingdom (like Britain or the Netherlands), or a colony of Britain (like Canada or Australia) where all politicians bow down to the Dictator/King/Queen.
If you consider voting in the USA, the least you should expect is that they promise to take the Federal Reserve back from the Zionist bankers (Rockefeller and Rothschild) that now control the American money supply. According to the American constitution it’s the congress that has the power over the money supply, so the privately owned Federal Reserve is really in violation of the American constitution.
When we – the people - realise that we can take the power back, there’s no stopping us.
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