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Thread: Baltimore Goon Found Not Guilty On All Charges

  1. #1

    Baltimore Goon Found Not Guilty On All Charges

    BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Officer Caesar Goodson, who was driving the police van inside which Freddie Gray incurred his fatal neck injury last April, has been found not guilty of second-degree “depraved heart” murder by Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams.
    Goodson, 46, has also been found not guilty on charges of manslaughter, assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.

    More at link... Goons gonna keep on gooning...

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  3. #2
    It sounds like they intentionally "over-charged" him to assure the outcome they wanted. And with a bench-trial (no jury) it was a slam-dunk "not guilty. "

    I still think that Grey's injuries came from the initial take-down -- either he's a really good actor or there was something wrong with his legs in the video of him being put into the paddy wagon.

    And it's a take-down/arrest that shouldn't have even happened -- just seeing someone running away doesn't give the police the right to chase him down and assault him, unless there was probable cause that he had committed or was about to commit a crime.

    That's what this case should be focused on, the unlawful arrest/assault/kidnapping committed by the bike cops, but everyone is distracted with the "nickle ride" thing that may not have even happened and can't be proven (of course they have admitted that he was not seat-belted as per their own regulations, so there's certainly some willful negligence involved also, but even that will likely go unpunished).
    Last edited by SeanTX; 06-23-2016 at 12:14 PM.

  4. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SeanTX View Post
    It sounds like they intentionally "over-charged" him to assure the outcome they wanted. And with a bench-trial (no jury) it was a slam-dunk "not guilty. "

    I still think that Grey's injuries came from the initial take-down -- either he's a really good actor or there was something wrong with his legs in the video of him being put into the paddy wagon.

    And it's a take-down/arrest that shouldn't have even happened -- just seeing someone running away doesn't give the police the right to chase him down and assault him, unless there was probable cause that he had committed or was about to commit a crime.

    That's what this case should be focused on, the unlawful arrest/kidnapping, but everyone is distracted with the "nickle ride" thing that may not have even happened and can't be proven.
    Micro-aggression reported.
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  5. #4
    It's only natural for goons to keep on gooning when there's ZERO consequences...

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  6. #5
    It's great to hear that nobody killed this guy.
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  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by EBounding View Post
    It's great to hear that nobody killed this guy.
    Time will tell...

    Christian Anarchy - Our Only Hope For Liberty In Our Lifetime!
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