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Thread: The Unanswered Mystery of 7,000-year-old Ubaid Lizardmen

  1. #1

    The Unanswered Mystery of 7,000-year-old Ubaid Lizardmen

    The Unanswered Mystery of 7,000-year-old Ubaid Lizardmen

    By John Black

    Ancient Origins

    June 18, 2016

    It is a commonly accepted view in mainstream archaeology that civilization started in Iraq, in ancient Mesopotamia with the great civilization of Sumeria. However, there is an archaeological discovery at the Al Ubaid archaeological site, where many pre-Sumerian 7,000-year-old artifacts were found, depicting humanoid figures with lizard characteristics.

    The Ubaidian culture is a prehistoric culture in Mesopotamia that dates between 4000 and 5500 BC. As with the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaidian people is unknown. They lived in large village settlements in mud-brick houses and they had developed architecture, agriculture and farmed the land using irrigation.

    The domestic architecture included large T-shaped houses, open courtyards, paved streets, as well as food processing equipment. Some of these villages began to develop into towns, temples began to appear, as well as monumental buildings such as in Eridu, Ur, and Uruk, the major sites of the Sumerian Civilization.

    According to the Sumerian texts, Ur was believed to be the first city.

    The main site where the unusual artifacts were discovered is called Tell Al’Ubaid – although figurines were also found in Ur and Eridu. The Al’Ubaid site is a small mound of about half a kilometer in diameter and two meters above ground. The site was first excavated by Harry Reginald Hal in 1919. Male and female figurines were found in different postures and in most of the figurines, they appear to be wearing a helmet and have some kind of padding on the shoulders. Other figurines were found to hold a staff or scepter, possibly as a symbol of justice and ruling. Each figurine has a different pose but the strangest of all is that some female figurines hold babies suckling milk, with the child also represented as a lizard-type creature.

    Copyright © 2016 Ancient Origins

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  3. #2

    Is Rockwell trying to make it seem as though libertarians consider 'reptilians' something more than a joke?

    I don't know if this makes me believe in minotaurs, because Rockwell is full of bull, or satyrs, because he seems to have descended from a horse's ass.

    Oh, but Rockwell just couldn't be playing us. Obviously he just suddenly took an interest in archaeology in the middle of an election season because... because.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  4. #3

    I don't know why we shouldn't take the ancients at face value - lots of animal/human hybrids in cultures all over the planet.

    Genesis - gods mating w humans
    Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu and Sumerian gods
    Ancient American, Mayan, Aztec Indians.....

    Were they all just making it up?
    Last edited by Jamesiv1; 06-18-2016 at 04:21 PM.
    1. Don't lie.
    2. Don't cheat.
    3. Don't steal.
    4. Don't kill.
    5. Don't commit adultery.
    6. Don't covet what your neighbor has, especially his wife.
    7. Honor your father and mother.
    8. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.
    9. Don’t use your Higher Power's name in vain, or anyone else's.
    10. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

    "For the love of money is the root of all evil..." -- I Timothy 6:10, KJV

  5. #4
    Good morning RPF, your daily morning dose of lewrockwel blog posts provided today, just like any other day, courtesy Ronin Truth. Enjoy today's pablum.

  6. #5
    they appear to be wearing a helmet and have some kind of padding on the shoulders
    Reptilian football players?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Suzanimal View Post
    Reptilian football players?
    Reptilians need to have fun too.
    "The Patriarch"

  8. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    Reptilians need to have fun too.
    It seems the Reptilians worshiped their athlete's, too. Go figure...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Paul View Post
    The intellectual battle for liberty can appear to be a lonely one at times. However, the numbers are not as important as the principles that we hold. Leonard Read always taught that "it's not a numbers game, but an ideological game." That's why it's important to continue to provide a principled philosophy as to what the role of government ought to be, despite the numbers that stare us in the face.
    Quote Originally Posted by Origanalist View Post
    This intellectually stimulating conversation is the reason I keep coming here.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by timosman View Post
    Good morning RPF, your daily morning dose of lewrockwel blog posts provided today, just like any other day, courtesy Ronin Truth. Enjoy today's pablum.
    Not blog, it's mainline for the entire weekend.

    FWIW, I tend to much prefer LRC compared to your usual daily pablum doses.

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesiv1 View Post

    I don't know why we shouldn't take the ancients at face value - lots of animal/human hybrids in cultures all over the planet.

    Genesis - gods mating w humans
    Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu and Sumerian gods
    Ancient American, Mayan, Aztec Indians.....

    Were they all just making it up?
    I find that doubtful.

    Maybe they were just temporary visitors to the planet.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    Is Rockwell trying to make it seem as though libertarians consider 'reptilians' something more than a joke?

    I don't know if this makes me believe in minotaurs, because Rockwell is full of bull, or satyrs, because he seems to have descended from a horse's ass.

    Oh, but Rockwell just couldn't be playing us. Obviously he just suddenly took an interest in archaeology in the middle of an election season because... because.
    Or perhaps like me, they just find it interesting too. <shrug>

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by acptulsa View Post

    Is Rockwell trying to make it seem as though libertarians consider 'reptilians' something more than a joke?

    I don't know if this makes me believe in minotaurs, because Rockwell is full of bull, or satyrs, because he seems to have descended from a horse's ass.

    Oh, but Rockwell just couldn't be playing us. Obviously he just suddenly took an interest in archaeology in the middle of an election season because... because.
    Point of information:

    Satyr = drunk/horny goat/man with a flute he plays to lure people into orgies. Origins are pretty clear on that one, btw. Drunk shepherd... particularly enticingly-dressed she-goat...

    Centaur = usually serious horse/person, usually highly skilled in archery. Just like most hybrids, the horse part ends up on the bottom and the human part on top.

    * * *

    As to James' question, that last comment should point out why I feel like hybrid gods and monsters are more likely the result of anthropomorphising animals in the surrounding environment than actual hybrids. If you bred two animals successfully that normally could not breed in nature and have really different characteristics (ie - Jackal and Human), you would not end up with a human being who just happens to have an animal's head. You would end up with a damned mess of random characteristics trying very hard to get along.

    And from time to time you'd end up with a centaur who's got a horse's head and front legs, and a human's body from the waist down. You can argue such a creature would fall over a lot and eventually die of shame (or a one-night stand with a really drunk centaur), but it doesn't seem likely.
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

  14. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    As to James' question, that last comment should point out why I feel like hybrid gods and monsters are more likely the result of anthropomorphising animals in the surrounding environment than actual hybrids. If you bred two animals successfully that normally could not breed in nature and have really different characteristics (ie - Jackal and Human), you would not end up with a human being who just happens to have an animal's head. You would end up with a damned mess of random characteristics trying very hard to get along.
    You're talking about breeding humans and animals, rather than gods (or beings from elsewhere who know a lot more than we do) breeding with animals. Or maybe just gods taking on characteristics that would have meaning for the humans.

    It's a big universe - and an old universe. So-called modern humans have only been around a few thousand years. That's less than a milli-millisecond in terms of the universe.

    We really don't know very much outside our own sphere of existence, which is tiny.
    Last edited by Jamesiv1; 06-19-2016 at 09:01 AM.

  15. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesiv1 View Post
    You're talking about breeding humans and animals, rather than gods (or beings from elsewhere who know a lot more than we do) breeding with animals. Or maybe just gods taking on characteristics that would have meaning for the humans.

    It's a big universe - and an old universe. So-called modern humans have only been around a few thousand years. That's less than a milli-millisecond in terms of the universe.

    We really do not know very much outside our own sphere if existence, which is tiny.

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesiv1 View Post
    You're talking about breeding humans and animals, rather than gods (or beings from elsewhere who know a lot more than we do) breeding with animals. Or maybe just gods taking on characteristics that would have meaning for the humans.

    It's a big universe - and an old universe. So-called modern humans have only been around a few thousand years. That's less than a milli-millisecond in terms of the universe.

    We really don't know very much outside our own sphere of existence, which is tiny.
    It IS a big universe, which makes it even less likely that some visitors or another --- even future or multidimensional sorts of visitors --- are going to look like a cross between a known animal and another known animal. You were discussing human/animal hybrids as gods. Those depicted in most religions are recognizably humanoid, but with animal characteristics (Anubis being the example I mentioned).

    There's actually an okay sci-fi/alternative history series that deals with an advanced race that resembles 7-foot-tall canines and crashes in Egypt, but again you'd have to believe that these separate beings manage to look remarkably like jackals that are already on earth.

    I find it more plausible that the non-animal gods are more along the lines of what you're discussing: advanced people whose advances are sufficiently far from the current status quo to be seen as magic or divine.

    If it's other beings breeding with animals, the results would still not be so consistent.

    If it's other beings taking on forms that would have meaning to the humans, then you still come back full circle to why those forms would have meaning to begin with.
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

  17. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    It IS a big universe, which makes it even less likely that some visitors or another --- even future or multidimensional sorts of visitors --- are going to look like a cross between a known animal and another known animal. You were discussing human/animal hybrids as gods. Those depicted in most religions are recognizably humanoid, but with animal characteristics (Anubis being the example I mentioned).

    There's actually an okay sci-fi/alternative history series that deals with an advanced race that resembles 7-foot-tall canines and crashes in Egypt, but again you'd have to believe that these separate beings manage to look remarkably like jackals that are already on earth.

    I find it more plausible that the non-animal gods are more along the lines of what you're discussing: advanced people whose advances are sufficiently far from the current status quo to be seen as magic or divine.

    If it's other beings breeding with animals, the results would still not be so consistent.

    If it's other beings taking on forms that would have meaning to the humans, then you still come back full circle to why those forms would have meaning to begin with.
    Your avatar has reptilian eyes.

    1. Don't lie.
    2. Don't cheat.
    3. Don't steal.
    4. Don't kill.
    5. Don't commit adultery.
    6. Don't covet what your neighbor has, especially his wife.
    7. Honor your father and mother.
    8. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy.
    9. Don’t use your Higher Power's name in vain, or anyone else's.
    10. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

    "For the love of money is the root of all evil..." -- I Timothy 6:10, KJV

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesiv1 View Post
    Your avatar has reptilian eyes.

    Yours was cross-bred with Papa Smurf. We all have our family secrets!
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    Yours was cross-bred with Papa Smurf. We all have our family secrets!
    Papa Smurf has great taste in hats.

  21. #18
    Good grief, Rockwell haters- this is an article from the Ancient Origins site- most of the articles on Lew's site are not written by him.

    Rest of article states:

    The figurines are presented with long heads, almond shaped eyes, long tapered faces and a lizard-type nose. What exactly they represent is completely unknown. According to archaeologists, their postures, such as a female figure breast-feeding, do not suggest that they were ritualistic objects. So what did these lizard figures represent?

    Whatever they were, they appear to have been important to the ancient Ubaidian people. We know that the Serpent was a major symbol used in many societies to represent a number of gods, for example, the Sumerian god Enki, and the snake was used later on as the symbol for the brotherhood of the Snake, as William Bramley discusses. Is there a link between the symbol of the snake and the representations of lizards? For now, these questions remain unanswered.
    Many do not know that the snake was the symbol of Jesus and is why Eve was fooled.

    This why Moses held up the bronze snake for those that would look and be healed. Many indigenous peoples have the symbol of the snake in their heritage.
    There is no spoon.

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Ender View Post
    Good grief, Rockwell haters- this is an article from the Ancient Origins site- most of the articles on Lew's site are not written by him.

    Rest of article states:

    Many do not know that the snake was the symbol of Jesus and is why Eve was fooled.

    This why Moses held up the bronze snake for those that would look and be healed. Many indigenous peoples have the symbol of the snake in their heritage.
    I wonder if there are any Sumerian or Babylonian clay tablets found, talking about the Ubaid.

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    There's actually an okay sci-fi/alternative history series that deals with an advanced race that resembles 7-foot-tall canines and crashes in Egypt, but again you'd have to believe that these separate beings manage to look remarkably like jackals that are already on earth.
    What's the name of the series? Author?

  24. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by MelissaWV View Post
    It IS a big universe, which makes it even less likely that some visitors or another --- even future or multidimensional sorts of visitors --- are going to look like a cross between a known animal and another known animal. You were discussing human/animal hybrids as gods. Those depicted in most religions are recognizably humanoid, but with animal characteristics (Anubis being the example I mentioned).

    There's actually an okay sci-fi/alternative history series that deals with an advanced race that resembles 7-foot-tall canines and crashes in Egypt, but again you'd have to believe that these separate beings manage to look remarkably like jackals that are already on earth.

    I find it more plausible that the non-animal gods are more along the lines of what you're discussing: advanced people whose advances are sufficiently far from the current status quo to be seen as magic or divine.

    If it's other beings breeding with animals, the results would still not be so consistent.

    If it's other beings taking on forms that would have meaning to the humans, then you still come back full circle to why those forms would have meaning to begin with.
    Maybe they are where/how the Earth got jackals. I've long kinda thought that hyenas are not really Earth natives either.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by specsaregood View Post
    What's the name of the series? Author?
    I knew someone was going to ask Read it quite some time ago and I go through pulpy quick books so rapidly it'd make your head spin (but nothing too involved since I'm generally reading between other life events throughout the day).
    Genuine, willful, aggressive ignorance is the one sure way to tick me off. I wish I could say you were trolling. I know better, and it's just sad.

  26. #23
    Serpent worshipers.

    Long and sorted history.
    Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
    Ron Paul 2004

    Registered Ron Paul supporter # 2202
    It's all about Freedom

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by pcosmar View Post
    Serpent worshipers.

    Long and sorted history.

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  29. #25
    From reading what you post regularly Ronin, I am beginning to think lizard people may exist.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesiv1 View Post
    Sorta weird.
    "The Patriarch"

  31. #27

    by Andrew Collins
    Excerpt from A Newsletter from Andrew Collins
    Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer 2000from AndrewCollins Website

    Another key lecture given at the San Marino conference in March was that by Vittorio di Cesare, one of Italy's top archaeologists.

    He started with an account of the Dead Sea Community at Qumrn and the discovery in 1947 of the Dead Sea Scrolls, hidden by members of the community in caves in an attempt to preserve their history and teachings for future generations.

    Di Cesare then turned his attention to one scroll in particular. Known to Hebrew scholars as the Testament of AMRAM, it was written around 200 BC. He said it concerned two strange beings that appeared to Amram, the father of MOSES.

    One was unnamed (although in my translation of the fragmentary text he is identified as MICHAEL or Melchizedek), while the other was BELIAL, the teacher of the Children of Darkness.

    Amram is asked to choose between the two, who represent, respectively, the truth and the lie.

    This was a concept that came originally from the Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism. It entered the Jewish religion at the time of the Babylonian captivity following the conquest of Babylon in the mid sixth-century BC by the Persians under Cyrus the Great.

    Yet it was the appearance of Belial that di Cesare focused on.

    The being is said to have been dark with a VIPER-like face and "blazing eyes".
    SERPENTS, he said, are universally associated with the principles of knowledge and wisdom.
    Di Cesare showed next a slide of one of the SNAKE-headed clay figurines found with frequency by Sir Leonard Woolley alongside burials excavated during the 1920s at sites in Lower Iraq. Many, for instance, were found in cemeteries at UR, the former great city identified by scholars as the biblical "Ur of the Chaldees".

    Since the level at which these figurines was found corresponded to the time period in which Iraq was inhabited by the so-called Ubaid peoples, who came originally from the ZAGROS mountains of Kurdistan, it meant that they dated to c. 3500 BC (although di Cesare spoke of them as dating to 6500 BC).

    Di Cesare said that mystery surrounded the purpose of the statues, which showed males, females and females holding babies.

    He suggested that they were buried in order to protect the souls of the dead and to prevent the deceased from becoming victims of Vampires, a common belief among the peoples of ancient Iraq.

    Di Cesare saw the Ubaid statues as representations of the same SERPENT-like figure featured in the Testament of Amram.

    He went on to propose that these beings were an actual RACE that lived in the Near East in prehistoric times and were responsible for providing the knowledge of civilization. All these matters are dealt with in great detail within my own books FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS (1996) and GODS OF EDEN (1998).

    As you can imagine, I sensed what only can be described as a slight case of deja vu the same feeling I experienced when reading Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas book URIEL'S MACHINE.

    I listened carefully as di Cesare turned his attentions to the significance played by the abstract EYE goddess statues found at a temple site called Tel Brak in northern Syria. These, he said, were yet another link to the SERPENT cult.

    Yet he failed to note that the veneration of the EYE in the Near East derived from its associations with the vulture, the ultimate symbol of the Neolithic cult of the dead, which went hand-in-hand with SERPENTINE symbolism.

    Di Cesare then showed slides of other "guardian" statues from Palestine, Syria and even Italy that bore a resemblance to the Ubaid figurines, suggesting that these were likewise connected with the same tradition.

    This is a matter I also deal with in FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS, published in Italy in 1997 under the title GLI ULTIMI DEI ("The Last Gods") by Sperling and Kupfer.

    In here I point out that the beak-like faces of these statues, some of which have cobra hoods (and are thus representations of ASTARTE, the Canaanite form of EVE, the SERPENT mother of the Nephilim), derive from the earlier association between SERPENTS and abstract vulture symbolism.

    Di Cesare went on to show a slide which featured a group of Mesopotamian figurines that he said were Anunnaki, the Sumerian pantheon of lesser gods.

    Like me, he too identified these beings with the strange figures featured in the Testament of Amram and the Ubaid SERPENT-faced figurines.

    The only topic he subsequently covered which is not in FROM THE ASHES OF ANGELS was the possible link between the SERPENT-like "GUARDIANS of knowledge," as he referred to them, and the phallic standing stones found at many Canaanite and Phoenician sites in Syria and Lebanon (and generally considered to be symbols of the goddess Asherah).

    He concluded his lecture by saying that we have here evidence of a widespread cult which revered an ancient race, connected with the symbol of "The SERPENT and the EYE" and thought to be the givers of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

    As soon as Vittorio di Cesare came off stage I asked him if he was aware of my own work on the same subject.

    From his reaction, this seemed not to be the case. So I offered to send him Italian translations of both works as quickly as possible (he has acknowledged receipt of them).

    Vittorio tells me that he is preparing a book on the subject to be entitled GODS OF FIRE.

    I have offered an introduction and wait intriguingly for new developments in this area. I am left with the prospect that one of Italy's most eminent archaeologists has independently confirmed the existence of a previously unrecognized race connected with serpentine symbolism and the spread of ancient knowledge.

    As you will know, this shamanic ruling elite are to be associated with:

    • the Watchers of Enochian/Dead Sea literature (and through them the angels of Judeo-Christian tradition)
    • the Ubaid statues of Lower Iraq
    • the EYE goddesses of ancient Syria
    • the Anunnaki of Mesopotamian myth and legend
    We must not forget, however, that some of these ideas, especially the human origin of the Watchers of Eden and the Anunnaki, were explored originally by Christian O'Brien in his landmark book GENIUS OF THE FEW, first published in 1985.

    Yet I believe I was the first writer to identify the Watchers as a shamanic ruling elite that controlled the spread of the Neolithic revolution and paved the way for the foundations of ancient world civilization.

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