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Thread: official endorsement of Ron Paul

  1. #1 official endorsement of Ron Paul

    It might not seem like much, but I'm a moderator at the site, and a bunch of the other moderators are huge Ron Paul supporters as well. So, we asked our site owner to put a banner to the tea party on the top of our forum (its a bodybuilding/exercise/nutrition forum, totally unrelated to politics), and he did!

    Currently there's 7400 people browsing the site this minute, I'm not sure how many unique visitiors we get a day, but its probably tens of thousands. It's going to be up there until the Tea Party.

    Just thought it was pretty neat that our site which has nothing to do with politics did this.

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  3. #2
    this is great. hell yeah!

  4. #3

  5. #4
    Ron Paul will soon have an army of incredibly strong people.


  6. #5
    Great Work,

    That will for sure get some more name recognition.

    I'm assuming that you like him due to the fact that he doesn't want to regulate the Nutritional Substances that you use??? or is that being to assuming
    "He's Catching on I'm Telling Ya"

  7. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Adamsa View Post
    Ron Paul will soon have an army of incredibly strong people.

    We will need them come civil war 2 time
    University of Iowa
    Iowa City, IA

    Check out my blog covering the Iowa Caucus.

  8. #7

  9. #8
    Very cool.
    “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” - Thomas Jefferson

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeySweets View Post
    Great Work,

    That will for sure get some more name recognition.

    I'm assuming that you like him due to the fact that he doesn't want to regulate the Nutritional Substances that you use??? or is that being to assuming

    It's part of it, but a very very very minor part.

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Adamsa View Post
    Ron Paul will soon have an army of incredibly strong people.

    LOL! That's hilarious.

  13. #11
    If we can get on board, that would be absolutely huge.

  14. #12

    Yea there is also a banner at a site that I love...

    its cool to see everyone coming together! The future looks bright indeed...

  15. #13
    I think there are a few work out boards that work consider a banner...he seems pretty popular in the community.

  16. #14
    You weren't kidding about the 7000 plus browsers.

    We could use some of your bodybuilding friends to work as poll workers.
    Those cheating GOP thugs could use a little intimidation

  17. #15

    MuscleMecca crew in the house.

  18. #16
    Is that Ron Paul thread that is linked to locked? It asked for a login, but I could view the other threads about bodybuilding.

    GREAT IDEA asking your boss to do this and good for him to allow it.

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  20. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by acstichter View Post
    Is that Ron Paul thread that is linked to locked? It asked for a login, but I could view the other threads about bodybuilding.

    GREAT IDEA asking your boss to do this and good for him to allow it.
    I think you need to register to post. I'm assuming once you do, everything won't look like it's locked out.

  21. #18
    cool...and now i have a good work out site lol

  22. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by acstichter View Post
    Is that Ron Paul thread that is linked to locked? It asked for a login, but I could view the other threads about bodybuilding.

    GREAT IDEA asking your boss to do this and good for him to allow it.
    It should be open now. It's just a big thread where a bunch of us post news about Ron Paul.

  23. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Ironslave View Post
    It's part of it, but a very very very minor part.

    I see, just wondering
    "He's Catching on I'm Telling Ya"

  24. #21
    Nice! Let's keep spreading the message.
    U.S. Marine for Ron Paul
    Defend the Constitution

    Google "Hanoi McCain"

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by RP 247 View Post
    It should be open now. It's just a big thread where a bunch of us post news about Ron Paul.
    I know you

    It was RP 247's idea, he deserves the credit.

  26. #23
    Damn and I thought anandtech was huge.
    “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.” - Thomas Jefferson

  27. #24
    Wow, I just wanted to bump this thread to say thanks!

    Thousand of new eyeballs are going to see that banner every day. That's HUGE.

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  29. #25
    Bodybuilders for Ron Paul!!!

    Seriously, if any of them are "chemically enhanced" or ever wish to be they will be supporting him in an instant.

  30. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironslave View Post

    It might not seem like much, but I'm a moderator at the site, and a bunch of the other moderators are huge Ron Paul supporters as well. So, we asked our site owner to put a banner to the tea party on the top of our forum (its a bodybuilding/exercise/nutrition forum, totally unrelated to politics), and he did!

    Currently there's 7400 people browsing the site this minute, I'm not sure how many unique visitiors we get a day, but its probably tens of thousands. It's going to be up there until the Tea Party.

    Just thought it was pretty neat that our site which has nothing to do with politics did this.

  31. #27
    That's awesome!

    Now if only someone could convert all those military and law enforcement individuals over at
    '"No army can stop an idea whose time has come!" - Ron Paul 2007

    The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself... Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable. - H. L. Mencken

  32. #28
    Every bit counts as long as we get them to the polls!!!!



  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by amonasro View Post
    Bodybuilders for Ron Paul!!!

    Seriously, if any of them are "chemically enhanced" or ever wish to be they will be supporting him in an instant.
    Bodybuilders take a lot of supplements, and I'm not necessarily talking about steroids. The original poster should stress on his forum that Dr. Paul would ensure that the federal government would not try to keep them from taking supplements that the bodybuilders find beneficial to their health and progress.

  34. #30
    Thanks for posting this. I just sent it to my daughter's boyfriend who's a big work-out, muscle-building guy. Although, they're both already voting for him in the Primaries.

    Wasn't there another site like this that endorsed Ron Paul a while back. I wish I could find out what it was.

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