Very interesting CNBC interview w/ Diana Orrock (RNC Member). I love how Ron Paul was mentioned and she clearly states that there was manipulation to keep him off the ballot. CNBC didn't follow up on that one of course though. I still find it interesting how Trump is so hated by the establishment and it still makes me want to vote for him even if I don't really agree w/ him on a lot of things. If we end up w/ a Romney/Ryan/Kasich type (probably even Cruz) we know it will be "more of the same". At least w/ Trump there's a chance some things will be exposed.

At the 3:02 mark she says:

Well you know there's all sorts of things that can occur going into this national convention. Just as in the 2012 convention, everybody saw the manipulation of the rules. And microphones were cut off from the delegates down on the floor. And delegates weren't able to be seated because they said that paperwork wasn't filed on time. So the credentialing committee was doing some things that weren't necessarily on the up-and-up. So a lot of delegates were eliminated. And at that time it was solely for keeping Ron Paul off of the ballot. Going into this convention they're going to try to do a lot of manipulation to keep Trump from becoming the nominee. There's no doubt about it. It's out in the open. A lot of political operatives in the Republican party are trying to take Trump out at all costs.