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Thread: Laurence M. Vance: My Two Cents on Conservative Criticisms of Trump

  1. #1

    Laurence M. Vance: My Two Cents on Conservative Criticisms of Trump

    I think this describes a lot of people here...


    N.B.: I don’t vote and don’t endorse candidates so I am not advocating that anyone do either. However, I am rooting for Trump because he is a thorn in the side of the evil GOP and the least war-like of the Republican candidates. But I am not naive enough to think that he will “make America great again.” In fact, the best thing I can say about him is that he is much better than Cruz and Rubio and the rest on foreign policy (but that could change when he gets in office) and that he wouldn’t be much worse than any of them on everything else.

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  3. #2
    Account Restricted. Admin to review account standing

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    Feb 2009
    No POTUS can make America great again. Impossible. Too many vichy operatives embedded in govt.

  4. #3
    Trump is too wishy-washy to know for certain that he'll remain the "least war-like of the Republican candidates." And what does that even mean? Either you go to war or you don't....there's no way to do that "more than another candidate", or "less than another."

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by cajuncocoa View Post
    Trump is too wishy-washy to know for certain that he'll remain the "least war-like of the Republican candidates." And what does that even mean? Either you go to war or you don't....there's no way to do that "more than another candidate", or "less than another."
    Perhaps you can go to the Trump rally in LA and report back on the type of people showing up. I'm genuinely interested. They say they expect 20,0000

  6. #5
    I think Vance has to cherry pick various statements from Trump to say that he's much better than Cruz on foreign policy.

    I think I saw something else he wrote where he even said that Trump was better than Rand on foreign policy, which is ridiculous.

  7. #6
    3 Words

    George W Bush.

    Humble foreign policy talk. Warmongering on Steroids in reality.

    The key is in Trumps demeanor and personality.

    He is not a calm, contemplating wise soul.

  8. #7
    None of the Boomer POTUSes have been particularly stellar, so far.

    I'm not really now expecting that to change any.

    Bubba through Obama, bleah.

    Trump and Hillary are Boomers too.

    At least Trump is NOT a lawyer.
    Last edited by Ronin Truth; 03-04-2016 at 02:43 PM.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Todd View Post
    3 Words

    George W Bush.

    Humble foreign policy talk. Warmongering on Steroids in reality.

    The key is in Trumps demeanor and personality.

    He is not a calm, contemplating wise soul.
    GWB was a puppet. His PNAC handlers ran his FP. Those same bastards have their panties in a twist over Trump. I wonder why that is?

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  11. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by openfire View Post
    GWB was a puppet. His PNAC handlers ran his FP. Those same bastards have their panties in a twist over Trump. I wonder why that is?
    What makes you think Trump is omnipotent?

  12. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by AuH20 View Post
    No POTUS can make America great again. Impossible.
    Too many vichy operatives embedded in govt.
    the "W" was at the apex of our Empire. we are in Decline.

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