This message is the fifth in a series of eight related to the Mission Advancement Framework. For proper context be sure to read the previous messages found here:
Step 1:!
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
The complete outline of the steps is listed below, these will be released in an orderly fashion. Steps will be released one at a time to allow focusing on one point, to allow for community discussion and to establish points that may alter the start of the next step.
The objective of this message is to establish the parameters of the organizational structure and work methodology to be used in the development of the Foundational Knowledgebase, part of the previously mentioned “prerequisite goal”. These parameters are subject to debate and subsequent change to achieve the best path forward.
Mission Advancement Framework – Roadmap to Success
Step 1: Introduction of the Mission Advancement Framework, establishment of initial goals.
Step 2: Parameters of the Mission Advancement Framework. Part of the “prerequisite goal”.
Step 3: Parameters of the content of the final work product of the Foundational Knowledgebase. Part of the “prerequisite goal”.
Step 4: Parameters of the organizational structures used for developing the Foundational Knowledgebase. Part of the “prerequisite goal”.
Step 5a: Setting a strategy to achieve Goal 1.
Step 5b: Foundational Knowledgebase Outline for Goal 1.
Step 6: Setting a strategy to achieve Goals 2.
Step 7: Setting a strategy to achieve Goal 3.
Step 8: Setting a strategy to achieve Goal 4.
MAF Goal 1: Building a Foundational Knowledgebase of End Goals
The objective of the first goal of the Foundational Knowledgebase is to characterizing the end goals of our Mission.
Definition of End Goals
The website has carefully developed a Mission that contains three end goals which have withstood the scrutiny of site members and still stands firm.
The three end goals are as follows:
...Secure individual liberty
...Seek justice
...Promote honest and free markets
While these are always up for debate they will serve as a starting point for this effort.
Content Outline - Scope & Organization
To have a properly functional Foundational Knowledgebase an outline of the entire body of work needs to be developed, this will help assure a logical structure for content to fit within as it grows.
A first draft of an outline is being proposed within another thread.
Section Development
The Foundational Knowledgebase outline establishes various sections, each of these sections should be developed in a uniform method to assure consistent results. Each section in the outline covers a different topic, each of those topics may be able to be broken down into different sub-topics and those sub-topics may be able to be further broken down. In following this process all material can be covered if it is within the scope of the outline.
The following workflow is proposed to develop each section:
• Define a list of topics.
• For each topic, determine if that topic can be further split into additional sub-topics.
If a topic cannot be subdivided:
• Describe and characterization the topic.
• Describe disagreements and controversy on the topic.
• Apply all previously developed principles to the topic to develop new principles.
• Develop a list of viewpoints/solutions on how the topic is managed within society.
• As applicable, for each viewpoint identify:
• Adherence to principles.
• Violations of principles and resulting problems.
• Cause and effect associated with the viewpoint/solution.
Linguistics Development
Linguistics can be developed in both a pro-active and reactive means, in this way the Linguistics Team can start to develop critical parts of a dictionary immediately but they can also add structure based on the review of development content to clarify ambiguity.
Section Content
Each section shall have the following information and features presented:
• Primary content.
• Date of last revision.
• Name of authors and contributors.
• The view count of the page.[*]
• An ability to “up vote” a section, if a registered user.[*]
• The total “up vote” count.[*]
• An ability to donate to the section with a micro-payment system, third-party payment systems (such as PayPal, Apple Pay, etc) and/or with cryptocurrencies (such as bitcoin). [Credit to site member Xerographica for this idea].[*]
• The amount of donations received by the section.[*]
• Navigational hyperlinks to allow for easy navigation from subject to subject and to navigate up and down subject matter details.
[*] = designates a road-map features that may not be immediately available due to technology limitations.
Within the primary content, all important words that have a defined meaning within the Linguistics Dictionary must be linked to the defined linguistics information.
Content Management System
There are two solution classes to satisfy the needs of a CMS system: use a commercially available solution or build a new one. Given the time and expense needed for custom development a predeveloped system needs to be used from the start. As a baseline for comparisons I suggest Mediawiki, which is what is used for Wikipedia, more information on the platform can be found here:
Data viewpoints of the Foundational Knowledgebase
The Foundational Knowledgebase shall allow for information to be ordered in many different viewpoints to allow for an optimal information retrieval:
• Hierarchical outline format.
• Ordered by alphabetical list of important keywords.[*]
• Ordered by page views.[*]
• Ordered by “up votes”.[*]
• Ordered by alphabetical list of Authors.[*]
• Ordered by popularity of Author by total “up votes”.[*]
• Ordered by popularity of Author by total donation.[*] [Credit to site member Xerographica for this idea].[*]
• Ordered by section donation amount. [Credit to site member Xerographica for this idea].[*]
• Ordered by recent changes / new material[*]
Information should also be able to be searched, sorted and filtered in all technical manners possible.
[*] = designates a road-map features that may not be immediately available due to technology limitations.
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