Stumbled on this old NPR article, turns out that like "Obama is a secret Muslim" controversy, there is also a "Nikki Haley is a secret Sikh" controversy apparently.
- Nimrata Nikki Randhawa grew up with the Sikh faith. In 1996, at the age of 24 and before her marriage to Michael Haley, she converted to Christianity.
- In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, Nikki seemed comfortable with both Methodist Christian and Sikh religions. But, towards the latter end of the 2000 decade, she referred to herself only as a Methodist Christian.
Why I Don't Believe In Nikki Haley's 'Conversion'
Published June 23, 20104:56 PM ET
Sohini Baliga
Nikki Haley speaks to supporters Tuesday at an election party after winning the South Carolina GOP gubernatorial nomination.
Chris Keane/Getty Images
You can't be Indian in the U.S. this week and not have people ask you the million dollar question - "What do you think of Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley changing their names and converting?"
As for Ms. Haley, after much back-and-forthing on Facebook, I do finally believe that Nikki is a common Punjabi name for a girl. And it certainly isn't up there with going from Piyush to Bobby.
Now. The Christian bit.
Honestly? I’m not buying.
Before I go any further, I should state unequivocally that I think it's ridiculous for her to prove her bona fides over and over (then again, I didn't care that Mitt Romney was Mormon either, and I don't think how you find God is anyone's beeswax, period - but that's a whole other post). Still, I can't help thinking - lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
People, it's South Carolina, not New York City. Based on everything I've ever read or heard, being Christian is more or less the price of entry to political candidacy in that part of the country and if you want to go for it, that's your choice. But by the same yardstick, if you do that, you don't then get to turn around and wonder why the people who created the system constantly question what may seem to them to be a conversion of convenience. You also don't get to complain if that same mindset suggests that your conversion isn't good enough for them.
It's a terrible analogy, but frankly, it's a bit like the first free black person realizing that no matter what, his money wasn't good enough at some white stores. And that isn't a knock purely on American society. I'd say it's pretty human and universal. In general, systems are created to make it hard for outsiders - however you define "outsider." Not the other way around. And again, it's S.O.U.T.H. C.A.R.O.L.I.N.A! Some of those folks really do take their religion dead serious, and your finding Jesus is something they're going to question if they find it a leap that's also politically expedient.
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