Let's cut to the quick ..

The so-called media is beating a dead horse ..

By pushing RIGGED polls, to keep their establishment yahoos in the public eye, they drop the ball ..

The grassroots republic see's it for what it is, and it is those who will show up in force at the actual polls where it counts ..

The brain dead media is hoping for some insider establishment type, to finish the job by rigging the caucus's as well ..

WE already know where that goes, because they themselves are already talking 'brokered convention', because of the clown at center stage ..

But regardless of the past of what was done with Ron Paul, the media, establishment yahoos all are already made aware, that there is no ground game like the one Rand Paul has, in both Iowa and NH ..

Rule of hand' .. when the media says look there at their polls .. in actuality you should be looking over HERE ..