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Thread: CUFI Leader John Hagee confirms Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic

  1. #1

    CUFI Leader John Hagee confirms Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic

    CUFI Leader John Hagee confirms Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic
    Evangelical pastor John Hagee, the leader of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the US’ largest pro-Israel organization and the most powerful group in the Christian Zionist movement, has adamantly insisted that Christian Zionism is anti-Semitic.

    WorldNetDaily (WND), a far-right website published an article in March 2015 about the “Blood Moon Prophecy,” an end-of-times theory that lunar eclipses are a sign that the world is on the brink of destruction and that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is near. The lengthy piece is about Hagee’s film Four Blood Moons, which endorses the eschatological theory. Toward the end of the article, WND quotes a spokesperson for Hagee:

    “WND falsely claimed that Hagee does not believe that Jews need Jesus to be saved. In fact, Hagee never made such a claim and years ago directly denied assertions that he holds a dual-covenant theology,” he wrote. “In addition, while WND acknowledges that Hagee rewrote sections of ‘In Defense of Israel’ to clarify his relevant position, WND failed to note that the associated video promotion was also changed to accurately reflect his theology.”

    Translated: WND claimed that Hagee believed the Jewish people could be saved by God without abandoning Judaism and converting to Christianity. Apocalyptic Christian Zionist John Hagee censured the publication for spreading a lie and defensively clarified that he does indeed believe that the Jewish people are going to burn in Hell for all of eternity unless they abandon Judaism and convert to Christianity.

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  3. #2
    Any person who follows the teachings of Christ, regardless of what they may disagree on, ALL acknowledge that people who follow Judaism (Jewish faith), will go to hell. Those that say otherwise are saying Christ lied when He said the way to the Father is only through him.
    "Self conquest is the greatest of all victories." - Plato

  4. #3
    Where's the part where he admits to being anti-semitic?

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by erowe1 View Post
    Where's the part where he admits to being anti-semitic?
    While the MV's inference in the above news headline might be a bit subjective, it used the term "confirms" and not "admits".

    This is not unusual claim however.

    May 23, 2008, 11:05 AM
    Hagee: Pro-Israel, Anti-Semitic?

    'Half-Breed Jew' Committed Holocaust, Claims Netanyahu Ally John Hagee
    May 12, 2015

    Hitler Was God's Chosen Hunter: Claims John Hagee

  6. #5

  7. #6
    Rep. Raśl Labrador (R-Idaho) lost his state’s GOP primary for governor on Tuesday after giving up his seat in Congress to run.

    Raśl R. Labrador‏ Verified account @Raul_Labrador

    I applaud @realDonaldTrump for recognizing that #Jerusalem is the capital of #Israel and beginning the process of moving the U.S. embassy there. Jerusalem has been, and always will be, the capital of the State of Israel.

    11:26 AM - 6 Dec 2017

    Doctrine of 'Blessed are those who stand with Israel' seems to be failing lately despite temporary funding boosts.

    I fear that the trend will accelerate as media continues pushing such narratives and moderate GOP/Left Liberal fields will make gains in coming elections.

    Racist Pastors Bless New US Embassy in Jerusalem

    Daily Beast 36m ago
    The participation of pastors John Hagee and Robert Jeffress in the ceremony accentuated this new axis of fundamentalist, messianic End-Times-adoring elements that increasingly dominate ties between the two countries. Hagee once described Adolf Hitler as God’s hunter and Jeffress consigned unrepentant Jews to hell

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