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Thread: Why Not Bernie Sanders?

  1. #1

    Why Not Bernie Sanders?

    Bernie Sanders is the quintessential populist candidate, admirable in his consistency and willingness to champion popular ideas. It's hard to argue that his presence in a modern presidential race is a bad thing, given the deep corruption of practically every other available candidate, and the stranglehold of the moneyed interests.

    His campaign message is clear, no more billionaire corruption, no more poverty, egalitarianism, equality. It aims squarely in favor of minority groups and against the rich.

    He is generally anti-war, voted against the Iraq war, and is against surveillance of U.S. Citizens by the U.S. government.

    But he is, truly, and admittedly, a Socialist. Didn't America rail against Socialism? Isn't our country's unrivaled prosperity a direct result of a deeply ingrained sense of individualism, coupled with a complete rejection of Socialist ideals?

    Sanders leans toward Nordic Socialism, which is underpinned by a free market capitalism that encourages and defends private property rights. On that the far right can agree. But Nordic Socialism embraces a much larger role for government than the pure free market laissez faire advocates such as the Austrian School will abide.

    What's wrong with that?

    The following statements are quoted from Bernie Sander's campaign website. I'll raise some questions about these statements, in the hope that the individual can more easily clarify his or her own view on the role of government.

    I will assume his statements stem from genuine beliefs - a dangerous assumption for many politicians. But those who know Bernie understand that he's not the average politician, and has a history of defending beliefs that aren't necessarily politically expedient - and that he's been unusually consistent throughout his career for a politician.

    From this first statement, we learn much about Bernie Sanders.
    - Bernie believes that status quo income and wealth inequality is bad
    - He believes something that a President can do will change income and wealth inequality for the better
    - He believes it is within the justified power of the President to do those things.

    Is the amount of income and wealth inequality in the United States bad?

    Occupy Wall Street says yes. The vast majority of libertarians agree.

    Staunch defenders of status quo are much more difficult to find now than a decade or two ago. Change wins elections. Tea Parties carry pitchforks. OWS protesters sit-in for awareness of existing problems. Elections are not made on resisting restructure but by promising reform.

    Republican and Democrats alike who have been elected to maintain the status quo through massive corporate donations don't often defend the rich publicly anymore, opting to pander to the reformers, then hide when nothing changes or do damage control when exposed. Legislation has moved even further toward lumping disparate code change together so that support by individual politicians for newly itemized corporate advantages in law have become harder to identify. When the bills are ten miles wide, everyone has plausible deniability.

    Most now understand that much power is concentrated at the top, as evidenced by unpopularity of 'too big to fail' bailouts, grassroots action against corporate tax avoidance, and wide agreement that 'money in politics' has become a problem.

    Honest grassroots political opponents mostly disagree on the solutions.

    So what is Bernies solution? We shall see:

    1. Demanding that the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
    It will become no secret to you as you read that Bernie and I disagree in many areas. The first of which is that there is such a thing as a 'fair share' of taxes.

    The root of taxation is the presumption that the government owns wealth, rather than the property owner of it. Taxation flies in the face of property ownership. The Constitution and its founders support a small common government among the states to be paid through excise taxes and tariffs. Even these require a government maintained enforcement, and are therefore prone to the kind of favoritism and corruption that Bernie and I love to hate.

    But lets get beyond that. I, who am right about the inherent immorality of taxes , have little hope of seeing even a 1% reduction in the taxes I pay short of cheating somehow. That, my progressive friends, I will not do. However, if taxes paid only for military adventurism and occupation of foreign lands within which we have no national security interests - if taxes paid only for protection of oil for the moneyed classes - would we then be talking about a 'fair share' of the taxes we pay?

    From this we can see that a corporation is only immoral in 'evading' or 'avoiding' taxes to the extent that those taxes pay for moral endeavors. Surely we can't decide what individuals and corporations are sharing fairly, and which ones are abstaining as an act of heroism, based upon whomever happens to head government at the time. I hope I've shown that using government to determine 'fair shares' is hairy territory.

    Lets move on to examine a bit more of Mr. Sander's issues.

    As president, Sen. Sanders will stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
    This cannot be any more true than stating that a prohibition on alcohol will stop alcoholism. Those who can afford to move massive corporations across the earth will find a way to avoid taxes - you can bet on it. But if we can assume that a Sanders presidency can perfectly enforce a prohibition on moving profits and jobs overseas, can we endorse it? Only if we believe Americans, in their unprecedented wealth and standard of living - deserve jobs more than the poor in other countries who will receive them. How egalitarian is this plan, in practice, really?

    In addition to the problematic assumption that prohibition works, and the problematic assumption that it is a problem that jobs are being created in poor countries around the world, is the problematic assumption that it is the best way to solve the problem. If you want to stop corporations from avoiding taxes by shipping jobs over seas, you might consider not taxing them anymore. And that is why Ron Paul uses phrases like 'we have to change our minds about what the role of government ought to be.' We certainly couldn't stop taxing and still afford to explode expensive bombs all over the world, and drive tanks everywhere.

    He will create a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
    The easiest way to see the problem with this sort of plan, is that no one can tell you why it shouldn't be the top 0.301 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.497 million.

    Beyond that, it assumes that when someone dies, it's perfectly alright for whomever happens to be in office to choose whatever random number to determine what wealth will be confiscated and where it will go. Allied forces would not need to stretch to demonize such a plan if it occurred in Nazi Germany. They would only need to describe it - and then tell us who was doing it. As much as I like Bernie Sanders, I don't want his people deciding arbitrary definitions of 'taxable' any more than I do any other.

    But lets say we can get past that. Lets say Neil Tyson has the perfect number to define when to tax someone, and we all agree it makes the #1 society. What is the #1 society? Do we have to agree? Some might say that's less than freedom. What if we did the same thing with free speech? Everyone must agree whom decides when speech becomes not ok and manuscripts must be confiscated.... the principle does not make sense, it's unfair.

    But lets drop even that annoying argument for a moment. Why are people who make a lot of money not entitled to it?

    Common reason cited, perhaps: 'No one needs that much money, and taxing by a neutral third party ensures no one is tempted to cheat the charity needed to fund the common stuff.'

    I can believe that a Sanders presidency might spend money a little better than the ones we've seen, on reasonable stuff like people getting well from sickness and out of poverty. I love that idea. But what about the administration after that? Good government policy ought to limit what the government itself can mess up. How well can government get water to hurricane victims so far? Another debacle like that is just one election away. The more power the government has to take money, and the more of it - the more damage it can do with that money. That's the problem we're in now!

    He will also enact a tax on Wall Street speculators who caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, homes, and life savings.
    I like this, because to hell with 'em! But we are looking at endorsing a policy of letting government decide who it's okay to take money from, based on who is most hated at the time. I think we need to look a bit further down the road than that.


    Maybe I'll take on a few more of Sanders' issues, there are a bunch I agree with too.


    I am genuinely curious of the Sanders presidency. He's an alluring candidate. He's a normal kind of guy with beliefs, instead of talking out of the side of his mouth. But moreso, his supporters are like me. I obviously disagree so much with how to do it, but really we're on the same side. This country is out of control, and it's time to do something about it.

    So lets get together and do it. Help people instead of harm them. But remember it's not gonna be government that does it, no matter how we write the laws, it's going to be people.

    Anybody like Sanders? Disagree with me? Something to add? Welcome here as far as I'm concerned - lets start a revolution or something.
    Last edited by nayjevin; 09-30-2015 at 09:22 PM.
    I'm a moderator, and I'm glad to help. But I'm an individual -- my words come from me. Any idiocy within should reflect on me, not Ron Paul, and not Ron Paul Forums.

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  3. #2
    But Nordic Socialism embraces a much larger role for government than the pure free market laissez faire advocates such as the Austrian School will abide.

    What's wrong with that?
    What's wrong with that?

    I'll tell you: I have entirely too much $#@!ing government in my life now, I do not need more.

    But Sanders could easily win...Boobus sure seems to want more government.

  4. #3
    If Rand can't get the nom then I hope that it comes down to $#@!ty Sanders VS $#@!ty Trump.

    I hope that $#@!ty Sanders wins in that case, because that will punish the GOP for being stupid, and it will also result in the greatest right-wing backlash of the last hundred years.
    Donald Trump > SJW ass-tears

  5. #4
    Why not Bernie Sanders?

    I like my freedom.

  6. #5
    Sanders is such a stupid goon... I really hope that he beats Hillary though... idiots like Trump and Sanders are both better than the pure, intentional evil of "people" such as Bush and Clinton...
    Donald Trump > SJW ass-tears

  7. #6
    Because Sanders is a commie.
    Rand Paul is in the top 1% of US Senators.

  8. #7
    I might get banned for this, but I'm kind of disappointed in the moderation on this board. Whether it's the Trump pumping or the Bernie pumping...something doesn't seem right about it.

  9. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Anti Federalist View Post
    What's wrong with that?

    I'll tell you: I have entirely too much $#@!ing government in my life now, I do not need more.

    But Sanders could easily win...Boobus sure seems to want more government.
    "A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." George Washington

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  11. #9
    Because I completely disagree with him on numerous issues. Being an "outsider" may be the only main criteria for some but it isn't for me. I'd rather vote 3rd party again.

  12. #10
    I will admit, a president Sanders may make my life better in the short term, but would destroy the country in the long term.

    TBH, I would love to see the top 1% burn.

    My problem is, I know that middle class like me would probably still be screwed, like now. I don't make too little money to collect any welfare or get any of that subsidized Obamacare, but I don't make enough to live a nice life.

    I tell people my business brings in 300k a year and they think I'm rich. LOL give me a break. After taxes and paying for health insurance out of pocket, the teenagers making $15/hr at mcdonalds are better off than me.

    My neighbor works on wall street and has a 800k salary and a yearly bonus of 10mil. He owns 4 maseratis 2 Lamborghinis and has an indoor Olympic sized heated swimming pool. He actually does no work, pays no taxes and got the job because of a family member. Now that's rich!

    But according to the government, I'm so rich I have to pay 35% in taxes (more, really) which is a joke. I'm just not rich enough to get flashy lawyers like my neighbor who find him loopholes to not pay taxes.
    Last edited by TheNewYorker; 10-01-2015 at 03:52 AM.

  13. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sola_Fide View Post
    I might get banned for this, but I'm kind of disappointed in the moderation on this board. Whether it's the Trump pumping or the Bernie pumping...something doesn't seem right about it.
    There were a lot of people here that promoted Dennis Kucinich in the past, so it's not surprising to see the love for Bernie Sanders. I've given up trying to figure out how one can logically and simultaneously support a champion of freedom like Dr. Ron Paul, and a big government authoritarian that rants about too many deodorant choices (Sanders).

  14. #12
    Why the hell do people support a full blown socialist! Are people this stupid! Bernie is a zionist shill.

  15. #13
    When several socialist acquaintances of mine can't stand the guy, then you know somethings "amiss".

  16. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyInNY View Post
    I will admit, a president Sanders may make my life better in the short term, but would destroy the country in the long term.
    Well, let's think about that for a second.

    What about "the country" deserves saving? I submit that it isn't much.

    I don't think anybody here would say that what we have is ideal. Many here cling to the constitution as the ideal. But even a cursory examination of the history of constitutionalism verifies Spooner's assessment of it. It either enabled the government we have, or it was powerless to prevent it. All it serves to do is cloak crackpots like Sanders in legitimacy.

    I think the exact opposite of your statement is true: in the short term we would suffer more. We are already at the point where the only way for most of us to hold on to what wealth we accumulate is to funnel that wealth through financial assets the likes of which Sanders will try to eliminate - we have to patronize the big corporations Bernie hates so passionately, in the form of mutual funds, stocks, and long term financial investments. Otherwise it gets whittled away by taxes, fees, and inflation. Sanders will do nothing about those three - in fact he openly calls for their increase.

    Fast-track socialism has been tried, numerous times. We see the pattern clearly: if it is turned up to 11 right away, the system implodes. If it's turned up gradually, as has been done in most of Europe and here in the US, then people can slowly adapt to it.

    But regardless whether he goes full socialist in short order, or nickel-and-dimes it up, I don't see him saying anything about regulating the internet, and I don't see him saying anything about cracking down on homeschoolers. So as things go horribly wrong, we will still be there funneling truth into the system.

    In the long term, I think this will get us to a critical point, where we can start to have honest discussions about liberty topics that aren't on anybody's political radar. Things we see every day on this site and maybe on LRC, but not in the public consciousness. Things like what it means to be free. Whether having police at all is helping us be free, or caging us. Whether compulsory public school is a free education for everyone, or nothing more than 12 years of indoctrination in how to stand in lines, eat garbage, and cheer for the correct side. Whether a standing army is, as the founders stated, actually our greatest threat to liberty.

    When you talk about "destroying the country", my immediate reaction is "why not?" Destroying the country as we understand it is practically required if we are ever going to get to the point where the public consciousness recognizes that we need to eliminate public schools, the police, the standing army, and every other taboo topic.

    I do believe one of those necessary topics is the elimination of corporations, but I'm not sure we're ready to have an honest conversation about that even here.

  17. #15
    I think anybody who thinks that Bernie Sanders is anti-war should watch this video, and take a look at the comments and the massive number of down-votes, which should clue you in that the average Sanders supporter is about as brain-dead as the average Donald Trump or Barack Obama supporter.

  18. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by RonPaulFanInGA View Post
    There were a lot of people here that promoted Dennis Kucinich in the past, so it's not surprising to see the love for Bernie Sanders. I've given up trying to figure out how one can logically and simultaneously support a champion of freedom like Dr. Ron Paul, and a big government authoritarian that rants about too many deodorant choices (Sanders).
    The thought of freedom is popular, unfortunately most followers heard what they wanted to of the message and thought of how it would liberate them from the persecutions they felt they were suffering and were interested in liberating themselves but not really grasping how it was also going to liberate those they completely disagree with on issues and whom they would persecute in a heartbeat if given political power. You see this frequently in religious people if you follow the thought process some profess to embrace.

    ETA this applies to not just those who support Sanders but those who support some of the Republican candidates which leaves a few of us scratching our heads and asking wth.
    Last edited by moostraks; 10-01-2015 at 07:46 AM.
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    When you are in doubt, be still, and wait;
    when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage.
    So long as mists envelop you, be still;
    be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists
    -- as it surely will.
    Then act with courage.

    Ponca Chief White Eagle

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  20. #17
    Is that what socialism is? Taking money from the uber-rich, and giving it to me?

    That doesn't seem so bad.
    It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.
    - Kim Kardashian

    Donald Trump / Crenshaw 2024!!!!

    My pronouns are he/him/his

  21. #18

  22. #19
    Don't forget that Bernie is also pro-gun control. He is much better on the issue than many of his Democrat counterparts, but he still supports a ban on so-called "assault rifles" and is for expanding back ground checks.

    Also, didn't Bernie also completely derail the audit the Fed movement and bill? He also doesn't seem as anti-war as his rhetoric would suggest.

    If you add all of this with his disastrous economic views, I'm not sure how one could see him as anything other than a fraud?

  23. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by hells_unicorn View Post
    I think anybody who thinks that Bernie Sanders is anti-war should watch this video, and take a look at the comments and the massive number of down-votes, which should clue you in that the average Sanders supporter is about as brain-dead as the average Donald Trump or Barack Obama supporter.

    If you go to numerous leftist websites where the lefts anti-war crowd congregate, like Counterpunch or the World socialist website you will find dozens of articles about his shaky anti-war stance. He is nothing of the sort. He's mega Pro interventionist when it suits him.

  24. #21
    I respect Bernie for being consistent and think his heart is in the right place but beyond that I almost unilaterally disagree with his fixes. Nordic socialism is supported by north sea oil.
    Ok, I lost that respect for Bernie after a little research. The worst thing about him is his extreme environmentalism. His cause to SAVE the world and stopping climate change would give him the moral belief that no matter how many peoples lives were destroyed it would be justified.
    Last edited by klamath; 10-01-2015 at 09:27 AM.
    War; everything in the world wrong, evil and immoral combined into one and multiplied by millions.

  25. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by nayjevin View Post
    Is the amount of income and wealth inequality in the United States bad?

    Occupy Wall Street says yes. The vast majority of libertarians agree.
    Oh really?

    How egalitarian is this plan, in practice, really?
    Should we care? Are we now caring about this?

    Libertarianism is the antithesis of egalitarianism! Egalitarianism is totally messed up in the brain. It does not describe reality. It does not interface with reality. It is truly a revolt against nature.

  26. #23
    Chester Copperpot

    Quote Originally Posted by LibertyExtremist View Post
    Don't forget that Bernie is also pro-gun control. He is much better on the issue than many of his Democrat counterparts, but he still supports a ban on so-called "assault rifles" and is for expanding back ground checks.

    Also, didn't Bernie also completely derail the audit the Fed movement and bill? He also doesn't seem as anti-war as his rhetoric would suggest.

    If you add all of this with his disastrous economic views, I'm not sure how one could see him as anything other than a fraud?
    Thats what Ron said... I wasnt sure if it was that OR if Bernie felt that getting a limited audit was the only way to get something to pass???

  27. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by hells_unicorn View Post
    I think anybody who thinks that Bernie Sanders is anti-war should watch this video, and take a look at the comments and the massive number of down-votes, which should clue you in that the average Sanders supporter is about as brain-dead as the average Donald Trump or Barack Obama supporter.

    If cindy is telling the truth here, holy $#@!! I didn't realize he supported the Bosnian invasion and the Libyan invasion. I take back my statement that he is principled.
    War; everything in the world wrong, evil and immoral combined into one and multiplied by millions.

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  29. #25
    I like you Nayjevin......but this thread is akin to starting a "Why not Barack Obama?...Dennis Kucinich....or Mike Gravel" thread sometime in late 2007.

  30. #26
    Partly because Sanders is not what they make him out out to be. And partly because even if he were, he's 74. Even if he's strong enough to stand up to the forces of corruption now, he won't be forever. And since he wants the federal government to micromismanage our lives, he will set up tyranny, and that tyranny will either be as awful as tyranny can be right away, or it will become that awful after he dies.
    Quote Originally Posted by wizardwatson View Post
    ...sad that this man's greatness is defined by the hatred he attracts and this is why Americans love him.

  31. #27
    My god! Have people forgotten where it is we get our rights??? We get our rights as individuals from god! No government, run by friggin Sanders or anyone else, can 'decree' that certain things are 'rights' and demand forced payment for them!

    Sanders' appeal is the same as any lefty liberal... "MORE FREE $#@! IF YOU VOTE FOR ME"

    Sanders is truly dangerous because his message is a popular one and he gets street cred for speaking some truth to power, but make no mistake. "Nordic Socialism" could NEVER work here as it does in Scandinavia. It's a false comparison. Sweden, for example, has a small, culturally homogenous population. The U.S. is the exact opposite. We have 300+million people with vastly different value systems and cultural attitudes. Trying to force us all into some utopian socialist nightmare would result in either civil war or massive civil unrest...

    How people can go from supporting Ron Paul to Bernie Sanders simply shows that people never really understood Liberty, rights, and natural law.

    "Big government is the solution".... yeah.... right.
    There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
    -Major General Smedley Butler, USMC,
    Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
    Author of, War is a Racket!

    It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.
    - Diogenes of Sinope

  32. #28
    $#@! sanders.

    end thread, or start a $#@!in' moneybomb for bernie op.

  33. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by helmuth_hubener View Post
    Oh really?
    You question whether my statement is true that the vast majority of libertarians believe the wealth inequality in the U.S. is bad. I think it's true. Free market capitalism would automatically reduce it. Elimination of regulations would allow greater upward mobility for small businesses. Ending the federal reserve would stop the frittering of wealth from middle and lower class savers and those who receive paychecks. Lower taxes would leave more money in the hands of the poor.

    Should we care {if things are more egalitarian] ? Are we now caring about this?
    It's not the goal for the libertarian, but libertarian solutions would result in a greater degree of it. I think that perhaps my being nice about criticisms of socialism has caused you to believe I am sympathetic to it, whereas you are used to being vehemently opposed to it. I don't see the pain caused by socialism as any more evil than equal pain caused by any other philosophy. I just think people who are unsettled by the status quo ought get together and find agreement.

    Libertarianism is the antithesis of egalitarianism! Egalitarianism is totally messed up in the brain. It does not describe reality. It does not interface with reality. It is truly a revolt against nature.
    The desire to see more equality does not necessarily equate to an understanding of historical context of egalitarianism.
    I'm a moderator, and I'm glad to help. But I'm an individual -- my words come from me. Any idiocy within should reflect on me, not Ron Paul, and not Ron Paul Forums.

  34. #30
    And this OP from a staff/mod?? Bryan... how does this advance the cause? How does this post fit into the mission statement?

    Am I alone here?
    There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
    -Major General Smedley Butler, USMC,
    Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
    Author of, War is a Racket!

    It is not that I am mad, it is only that my head is different from yours.
    - Diogenes of Sinope

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