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FYI. Sander wants to reintroduce because the Fairness Doctrine and threaten talk radio hosts because "95-98% are right wing extremists", ban certain people and companies from donating in political campaigns, ban hate speech, ban all guns that can be "used in self defense", he routinely claims that immigrants are damaging the middle class, routinely blames foreign countries for economic problems in the US, routinely says that the rich are in on a conspiracy to stop his goals, and the guy has even been caught off camera threatening a Libertarian journalist for asking him difficult questions.
Sanders is not some nice old guy. He is how totalitarianism comes to the United States and represents a Hugo Chavez style blend of Nationalism and Socialism. Most candidates have some nationalist and socialist beliefs, but Sanders is on a different level, which combined with his demagoguery, is the most dangerous kind. Unlike most democrats who love the rich lobbyist and won't actually try to destroy them (rather they would generally help them through regulatory, monetary, and tax policy [loopholes]), Sanders actually means it. He also really would take free speech, censor opposition through force, implement major gun bans, scapegoat everyone else citing conspiracies, and ignore what 90+% of economist have to say about price controls and international trade if he could.
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