The Robot Wars of 2015 have officially begun.

Last week, an American robotics company called MegaBots, Inc. challenged a Japanese company called Suidobashi Heavy Industry to a giant robot duel.

“You have a giant robot, we have a giant robot,” they said. “We have a duty to the science fiction lovers of this world to fight them to the death.”

They uploaded a video to YouTube showing the creators wearing aviators and American flag capes, while describing the bot they’ve been working on called the Mark II.

The 15-foot tall, 12,000 pound behemoth is piloted by 2 people, and can fire paintballs at speeds of over 100mph.

MegaBot set up a Kickstarter last year to establish a robot fighting competition, but they didn’t reach their goal and eventually Autodesk partnered with them to help make their dream become a reality.

Suidobashi’s bot, called the Kuratas, was actually created before the MegaBot, and is available to anyone on Amazon who has an extra $1 million laying around.

It’s 12.5-feet tall and is equipped with some onboard BB gatling guns.

On Sunday, the Japanese company finally responded to the video with one of their own, mocking the Americans for their obsession with big guns and demanding that melee be part of the competition.

Because they want to “punch them to scrap.”

“This duel stands to go down in history as the world’s first giant robot battle,” they said. “Let’s make sure it’s something for the historians to write about.”

You can watch the Japanese response below, and you might want to get started working on some sort of shelter for safety, because this is likely to escalate very quickly.

Release the drones and robotic hell hounds!