‘Not how it works': @RandPaul takes heat for botched tweet about burden of proof; Update: Tweet deleted
You want to re-read that and get back to us? @RandPaul
Chuck Long (@trueholygoat) June 10, 2015
Sen. Rand Paul briefly used Twitter tonight to share some information about a new piece of legislation he’s cosponsoring. Things were going well enough for a while:
There is only one way to describe detaining a U.S. citizen indefinitely and denying them a trial by jury: Un-American. (1/6)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 10, 2015
If the government can arrest you, throw you in prison, & strip away due process, our Republic is sliding into dangerous territory. (2/6)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 10, 2015
That’s why I’m introducing – with Sen. Mike Lee & others – the Due Process Guarantee to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). (3/6)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 10, 2015
It blocks indefinite detention of Americans without being charged & denying them a jury trial unless there is a vote in Congress. (4/6)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 10, 2015
Until this happened:
I believe you and I were endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. That includes the right to prove your innocence. (5/6)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 10, 2015
Tweeters couldn’t help but feel like something was a bit … not quite right:
[Sound of every criminal defense lawyer in the country cringing at once] https://t.co/tRAwJfoEj9
— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) June 10, 2015
It certainly came off as pretty cringeworthy.
Nope. https://t.co/ONcDosNpns
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 10, 2015
Just no: https://t.co/nk9b56Nxpy
— Justen Charters (@JustenCharters) June 10, 2015
There’s a chance you have this wrong. Like EXACTLY wrong. https://t.co/gBJRur8t3H
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 10, 2015
Whoops. Don't think this is right. https://t.co/GvhWBbuitP
— Kimberly C (@conkc2) June 10, 2015
I get what he's saying but….no. That's not how it works. https://t.co/bZ3l7F0evi
— Drew McCoy (@DrewMTips) June 10, 2015
Agree with the intent, but this is not how it works. You're presumed innocent. https://t.co/vtEVQIxkLo
— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) June 10, 2015
Yep. That’s how it works, last time we checked.
@RandPaul burden of proof is on the State. Never should a citizen need to "prove" their innocence.
— J Roger Driscoll (@JRogerDriscoll) June 10, 2015
@RandPaul come on Rand. Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is on the state, not the citizen.
— Matthew Jones (@themattjones) June 10, 2015
@RandPaul prove innocence? No. You should be ashamed of such a gaffe.
— Amberlamps (@ArthurNonymous) June 10, 2015
@RandPaul innocence should be assumed. Guilt should be proven by the accuser.
— Dallas Beaureagard (@anodynasty) June 10, 2015
@RandPaul You are doing it wrong! Remember that whole "presumed innocent" thing?
— Athena (@AthenaTweets) June 10, 2015
I think you may have that wrong. I’m pretty sure they’re already presumed innocent and the burden is on the state. https://t.co/gBJRur8t3H
— Ben Howe (@BenHowe) June 10, 2015
Hi everybody I'm @RandPaul I'm so smart and freedom and constitutiony and stuff and look I have no idea that burden of proof is on accusers!
— H (@Tark31) June 10, 2015
@RandPaul Sen. Paul, fire your tweeter. Replace with someone who understands "presumption of innocence" please.
— MrScience_ (@mrscience_) June 10, 2015
You just disqualified yourself there, @RandPaul. You don’t know jack about our system. https://t.co/rgHhTRJ7ue #tcot
— WitCoHE (@E__Strobel) June 10, 2015
Did he actually disqualify himself? Not necessarily. But when you’re running for president, it helps to maintain the perception that you’re well versed in the subject you’re discussing.
Is it a mistake? Yes. Does this stuff matter? Sure, he's running to make these points strongly and he should do so accurately.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 10, 2015
Welp, looks like the tweet’s been deleted. You can still see it above, but here’s a screenshot as well:
deleted rand paul tweet
For what it’s worth, looks like Paul’s being a pretty good sport about the initial mistake:
A member of my staff tweeted something erroneous. Of course you are innocent until proven guilty! (1/2)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 11, 2015
For the staffer who garbled the concept of innocence, we will presume his innocence until the next staff meeting. (2/2)
— Dr. Rand Paul (@RandPaul) June 11, 2015
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