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Thread: They are Desperate for War With Russia Over Ukraine.

  1. #1

    They are Desperate for War With Russia Over Ukraine.

    They are Desperate for War With Russia Over Ukraine

    It seems to me the more i read of the news articles the more desperate they are sounding of demanding a war with Russia over Ukraine then previously, if Putin wasn't in charge and he led Syria fall to ISIS we wouldn't be hearing about this at all.

    Here's an example.

    Russia, Putin still stirring up fight in Ukraine, independent report says

    The most hilarious part of that report?

    Researchers utilized a number of technologies and investigation techniques, such as Google maps and social media channels, to make that determination.
    Earlier this month, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry showed Putin photographic evidence of military activity during a meeting in Sochi, and NATO acquired satellite photos showing the same last year.

    In my view i still believe this recycled news. And in the last section.

    "The way to end Putin's aggression toward Ukraine and further intervention in Europe's East is not through economic sanctions alone," the report says. "Putin can blame economic pain on the West and avoid the real issue. The West needs to reveal the lies that Putin is telling his own people. Putin's popular support is the base of his house of cards.

    "Once that card falls, the whole house will crumble."
    They want Regime Change in Russia.

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  3. #2
    They want regime change, not war. Like the Soviet Union, fighting Russia is a losing proposition and a guarantee of mutually assured destruction.

    This is well understood, and may explain why anti-Russian rhetoric has toned down recently, and Kerry recently visited Putin in Sochi.

    Perhaps the voices of reason have prevailed over the psycho neocons.
    Last edited by DFF; 05-29-2015 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #3
    The problem with what they are doing in Ukraine is that they are exposing their foreign policy for the flop that it is. and this is exactly why we continue to see traditional allies jump ship. And, of course, much has been shared with regard to that here...

    Aside, we're still seeing civilians being shelled in their homes by Ukranian forces yet the State Department continues to say they haven't heard about it. can't make this stuff up.

    Most recently...
    Five civilians have been killed in shelling in eastern Ukraine, including an 11-year-old girl. However, US officials have said that they are not aware of Kiev violating the truce, despite numerous reports of army shelling. RT's Gayane Chichakyan reports.
    And this video demonstrates exactly what is happening...

  5. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Natural Citizen View Post
    The problem with what they are doing in Ukraine is that they are exposing their foreign policy for the flop that it is. and this is exactly why we continue to see traditional allies jump ship. [snip]
    That is not the only reason, but it's a big one.
    "The Patriarch"

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