And that would of course be
A Bad Sign.
Yes, and it's good to have as many opportunities like this as possible
before you're married.
I guess maybe I'm saying:
Qualification Level 1: Be friendly and non-contentious and get along wonderfully and blissfully. That's a given. You need that, at minimum, and I think that's what you're getting at with your advice.
if that bar is cleared, you go on to....
Qualification Level 2: Handle disagreements and problems well together. Exposing your relationship to difficult, challenging, stressful situations is one way to acquire the information of how well this qualification is met. Planning and executing a large, deadlined project together would be one good way, and that's why it seems like an excellent idea to handle the wedding yourself and not hand it over to parents nor consultants.
If even then you are not having arguments, that's probably a good sign, but that's where my somewhat strange advice comes in that you may want to have at bare minimum one trial argument just to test the waters. If even then neither of you can really get riled up and into it, that probably is a
Very Good Sign.
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