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Thread: Reinventing the Fastest Forgotten Archery

  1. #1

    Reinventing the Fastest Forgotten Archery

    This is just simply amazing, it will blow your mind.Faster than Legolas!
    A historical technique much faster than the known.
    On Trump:
    How conservative Republicans can continue to support this arrogant imposter—the man who brags about inflicting the world with the Covid mark of the beast; the man who said, “Take the guns first, go through due process second”; and the man who deliberately played and then set up Stewart Rhodes (of course, Stewart was all too eager to be Trump’s patsy) for an 18-year prison sentence—is truly beyond my comprehension.” Chuck Baldwin

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  3. #2
    Here's another video of Lars, he's cool as hell. I can barely pull back the string on our bows.

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